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Welfare rights

14 January, 2021

Scottish Child Payment entitlement where qualifying benefit is reduced to a nil award

New statutory instrument also includes amendments in relation to further claims for additional children

14 January, 2021

DWP sets out plans to expand its ‘PIP Apply’ pilot to further test the use of an online version of the PIP2 claim form

Minister for Disability, Health and Work says Department’s aim is to scale-up the service by Spring 2021

14 January, 2021 Open access

Amendment of council tax reduction regulations in Scotland to provide for disregard of one-off £500 payment being made to NHS and social care workers

New statutory instrument

14 January, 2021

Number of work capability assessments completed in first three months of lockdown reduced by more than 50 per cent compared to pre-March 2020

However, new DWP statistics highlight that no claimant was found fit for work following an initial or repeat assessment in the three months ending in June 2020

14 January, 2021

Government publishes call for evidence in relation to independent review of the Human Rights Act

'General views' sought by March 2021 ahead of publication of review's recommendations in Summer 2021

14 January, 2021

Amendments to the prescribed requirements for council tax reduction schemes and the default scheme in Wales for 2021/2022

New statutory instrument

13 January, 2021

Proposed changes to the way appeals from Upper Tribunal operate are ‘unnecessary, unfair and ineffective’

Responding to Ministry of Justice consultation, Public Law Project says reform which risks undermining the fundamental right of access to justice should not be pursued

13 January, 2021 Open access

HMCTS can’t continue with its ‘business as usual’ approach under the new lockdown, says Public and Commercial Services Union

Calling for reversion to Critical Business Priorities used in first Covid-19 lockdown, Union says the situation is now at a tipping point

13 January, 2021 Open access

DWP advises that data on ESA and PIP claims from people diagnosed with ‘long Covid’ is not available or has not been collected

Minister for Disability, Health and Work says that the costs of providing ESA data are ‘disproportionate’, while the PIP computer system has not been updated to record the condition

13 January, 2021

Identification of claimants whose universal credit awards require adjusting to ensure monthly earnings are evenly allocated will become an automated process ‘early in 2021’

Awards will be corrected proactively before they are paid, without the need for the claimant to raise the issue, DWP Minister tells Select Committee

13 January, 2021 Open access

Response to Covid-19 pandemic should be measured by ‘how just and compassionate it is to people in poverty’, says Joseph Rowntree Foundation

New annual report on poverty in the UK calls on government to strengthen benefit system by, at a miminum, retaining universal credit and tax credit uplift and extending it to legacy benefits

13 January, 2021

Uprating of prescribed council tax reduction scheme applicable amounts for people who reach pensionable age on or after 1 April 2021

New regulations in England also makes changes to scheme to bring it in line with housing benefit regime

12 January, 2021

Department for Communities issues Directions to authorise electronic claims for employment and support allowance in Northern Ireland

Social Security (Electronic Communications) (Amendment) (No. 1) Direction (Northern Ireland) 2021 in force from 12 January 2021

12 January, 2021

Time that DWP ‘took the blinkers off’ and looked at real impact of five-week wait for universal credit, says Chair of Select Committee

Responding to Work and Pensions Committee's report, government rejects proposal for a starter payment and refuses to carry out any research on links between universal credit and foodbank use

12 January, 2021 Open access

CPAG calls on government to urgently prioritise cash payments to families as replacement for free school meals during Covid-19 lockdown

Open letter to Education Secretary also calls on government to retain £20 uplift to universal credit, increase child benefit by £10 per child, and expand eligibility for free school meals

12 January, 2021 Open access

More than half of PIP claimants whose award has been extended due to Covid-19 have not yet been notified of extension

Minister for Disabled People confirms that the 850,000 notifications still outstanding will be issued by 'early 2021'

12 January, 2021 Open access

DWP Minister summarises recent changes to SSP entitlement rules designed to support workers affected by Covid-19 pandemic

However, Justin Tomlinson fails to confirm whether Secretary of State is considering an increase in the payment rate in response to the outbreak

12 January, 2021 Open access

DWP confirms that it has no plans to suspend repayments of universal credit advances and sanctions for claimants during current Covid-19 lockdown

However, Minister also assures parliament that work coaches will work with claimants to ensure that claimant commitments allow them 'to continue to adhere to Covid-19 public health advice'

12 January, 2021 Open access

While average household spending has fallen during the Covid-19 pandemic, one in three low-income families have experienced increased spending pressures

Resolution Foundation calls on government to maintain £20 'uplift' to universal credit and provide more targeted support to families with children