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Welfare rights

26 January, 2005

CSA must improve within weeks, or be scrapped

Work and Pensions Committee report

26 January, 2005

Citizens Advice calls for review of tax credit overpayments recovery

Evidence to the Commons Public Accounts Committee

25 January, 2005

Using lie detectors to identify benefit fraud

DWP conducting 'preliminary investigations'

25 January, 2005

Pension Service Partnership Fund launched today

£13 million to improve take-up of older people's benefits

25 January, 2005

Pathways to Work pilots to be extended to a third of all incapacity benefit claimants

Government confirms expansion over next two years, and a 5 year plan

25 January, 2005

Exits from incapacity-related benefits over time

New DWP research

24 January, 2005

Tax credit compensation running at more than £1 million a year

New government figures

24 January, 2005

Commissioners’ appeals procedures

New practice memoranda

21 January, 2005

Incapacity for work and ‘exceptional circumstances’ (Northern Ireland)

New statutory rule

21 January, 2005

Housing Benefit Matching Service

New DWP guidance

21 January, 2005

Benefit rights of transsexual people

New statutory instrument

20 January, 2005

The tsunami and temporary absence from the UK

New HB guidance

20 January, 2005

Retirement pension and graduated retirement benefit claims (Northern Ireland)

New statutory rule

20 January, 2005

Home responsibilities protection and child benefit

New statutory instrument

20 January, 2005

Benefit Fraud Inspectorate to inspect councils ‘who take much longer than 36 days to process HB clai

DWP announcement

20 January, 2005

‘Ten steps to a society free of child poverty’

Child Poverty Action Group launches new manifesto

19 January, 2005

Sharing tax credits information

New statutory instrument

19 January, 2005

National Audit Office qualifies the DWP’s accounts for 15th consecutive year

Benefit fraud and error amount to £3 billion in 2003/2004