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Welfare rights

16 December, 2005

London bombings relief charitable fund payments

New DWP guidance

16 December, 2005

Benefit uprating 2006/2007

New HB guidance

16 December, 2005

‘Intensive Activity Period 50 to 59’ pilots

New DWP guidance

15 December, 2005

Pension Service, Jobcentre Plus and CSA experience ‘slippage’ against key targets

DWP's Autumn 2005 Performance Report

15 December, 2005

Online tax credit claims facility a target for fraud from day one

Revenue chairman's evidence to Commons Committee

15 December, 2005

Councils’ performance in benefits assessments is strong says Audit Commission

Although gap between worst and best performers is significant

14 December, 2005

Welfare Foods Scheme in Northern Ireland

New statutory rule

14 December, 2005

Social security reciprocal agreements and civil partnerships in Northern Ireland

New statutory rule

14 December, 2005

New poverty report has important messages for Work and Pensions Secretary

CPAG responds to Joseph Rowntree Foundation research

14 December, 2005

London bombings relief charitable fund payments

New statutory instrument

14 December, 2005

Government to miss pension credit targets

New official figures indicate that take-up has levelled out

14 December, 2005

Government considering ‘capping’ pensioners’ council tax liability

Move designed to end non-payment protests according to media reports

14 December, 2005

DWP publishes ‘high level document’ setting out how the department is organised and managed

Departmental Framework 2005 now available

13 December, 2005

Identities of more than 10,000 DWP staff stolen as part of an ‘immense’ fraud on the tax credit syst

Payroll systems and bank accounts hijacked says Union

13 December, 2005

Hospital downrating

New statutory instrument

13 December, 2005

Government denies reports that welfare reforms are to be scaled down

Plans will be radical confirms Number 10 spokesperson

12 December, 2005

Social fund maternity and funeral expenses payments

New DWP guidance

12 December, 2005

Retirement pension, graduated retirement benefit and civil partnerships (Northern Ireland)

New statutory rule

12 December, 2005

London bombings charitable fund payments

New HB guidance