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Welfare rights

23 October, 2015

Need to establish grounds under which 'indefinite leave to remain' is granted in order to determine entitlement to pension credit


22 October, 2015

Government to pilot 14 day warning period before applying sanctions so that claimants can put forward further evidence

Measure amongst a series of policy changes outlined in response to Work and Pensions Select Committee's report on benefit sanctions

22 October, 2015

Changes to universal credit transitional provisions

New DWP guidance on changes preventing claimants in six month 're-award' period from claiming income support, housing benefit or tax credits

22 October, 2015

Joseph Rowntree Foundation publishes new report comparing the UK's social security entitlements for young people with five other countries

Findings include that, whilst the UK limits help with housing costs to young people, Sweden provides additional support up to the age of 29

22 October, 2015

Local authorities suggest potential incentives to tackle housing benefit fraud and error

New research commissioned by the DWP looks at strengthening the effectiveness of the housing benefit subsidy regime

21 October, 2015

Tax credit cuts will ensure claimants 'will always be better off in work and working more hours', according to Exchequer Secretary

Letter to SSAC also says government has considered cuts in line with Public Sector Equalities Duty, Child Poverty Test and Family Test

21 October, 2015

Government must focus its welfare-to-work support more effectively on people with complex needs

New report from the Work and Pensions Committee also recommends a separate, specialist scheme for people with substantial disabilities

21 October, 2015

Motion calling on government to reverse decision to cut tax credits defeated in House of Commons

MPs vote against opposition day motion by 317 votes to 295

21 October, 2015

Payment of class 3A national insurance contributions to increase additional state pension

New DWP guidance

21 October, 2015

State pension ‘triple lock’ needs to end, says IFS director

Paul Johnson also recommends further increases in state pension age to ensure sustainability of system

21 October, 2015

Half of children and young people under 20 in London live in a family that receives tax credits

New report from the New Policy Institute estimates that 640,000 children in London are likely to be worse off when in-work tax credits are cut in April 2016

20 October, 2015

Just over 87,000 short-term benefit advances awarded as a result of 228,000 applications in last 12 months

Employment Minister advises that in 52,217 cases no decision was made due to primary benefits being paid

20 October, 2015

Less than a third of voluntary sector Work Programme sub-contractors feel that Merlin Standard has offered sufficient protection

Finding of new DWP commissioned research into Standard designed to protect sub-contractors, ensure adherence to code of practice and promote high performing supply chains

20 October, 2015

Changes to child support forms in Scotland

New statutory instrument

19 October, 2015

Changes to universal credit transitional provisions

New statutory instrument provides that claimants in six month 're-award' period may not claim income support, housing benefit or tax credits

19 October, 2015

Changes to local authority housing benefit subsidy arrangements

New statutory instrument

19 October, 2015

Relationship of descriptor 2(c) to the other moving around descriptors


16 October, 2015

Court of Appeal upholds decision that government consultation on PIP mobility criteria was neither unfair nor unlawful

[2015] EWCA Civ 1033