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Welfare rights

11 November, 2015

Reported successes of troubled families programme are ‘quite simply, too good to be true’

Centre for Crime and Justice Studies says there is 'crying need for parliament to subject programme to proper scrutiny'

11 November, 2015

DWP publishes statistics on benefit claims by EEA nationals in 2013

New ad hoc analysis, produced to support Prime Minister's speech on EU renegotiation, presents range of figures due to 'uncertainty and limitations' in datasets used

11 November, 2015

Water charges for communal areas in sheltered or supported accommodation can be eligible rent for HB


11 November, 2015

Tax credit reforms go 'too far and too fast' and should be paused until 2017/2018, says Work and Pensions Committee

New report also finds that, as things stand, the majority of families affected will still be worse off by 2020/2021

11 November, 2015

Deciding the competent state to pay sickness benefits and action to be taken post decision

New DWP guidance

11 November, 2015

141,000 people on universal credit caseload as at 8 October 2015

New DWP statistics also show that just over 250,000 claims have been made since benefit introduced in April 2013

11 November, 2015

Over 70,000 sanctions applied to employment and support allowance claimants since new regime began in December 2012

New DWP statistics also show that over 23,000 decisions were subsequently overturned

10 November, 2015

Prime Minister sets out basis on which he will renegotiate EU welfare provisions

Proposals include that EU nationals must live in UK and contribute for four years before claiming in-work benefits and that child benefit should not be payable for children living abroad

10 November, 2015

Government rejects SSAC's recommendation to limit housing benefit backdating to three months instead of one

Response to the SSAC report also rejects recommendation to introduce linking rules for retaining the family premium

10 November, 2015

Interpretation of PIP descriptor 5 (toilet needs) and overlap with descriptor 3 (managing therapy)


10 November, 2015

Scotland Bill receives third reading in House of Commons

MPs approve government's welfare amendments including in relation to topping up reserved benefits and the creation of new benefits in areas of devolved responsibility

9 November, 2015

High Court rules that council tax reduction scheme requiring minimum 15 per cent payment did not discriminate on grounds of age or disability

[2015] EWHC 3193 (Admin)

9 November, 2015

Almost 280,000 tax credit calls abandoned by claimants in March 2015, up from just over 12,000 in March 2014

Guardian reports on HMRC performance data which also shows 30 per cent fall in number of tax credit calls dealt with over same period

6 November, 2015

Chancellor considering increasing universal credit taper to pay for limiting tax credit cuts

Telegraph reports George Osborne examining plans to increase taper from 65 per cent to 75 per cent

6 November, 2015

DWP to test new adjustments to work capability assessment by end of the year

Written answer from Employment Minister says adjustments will include obtaining further evidence

6 November, 2015

60 per cent of complaints about the DWP to Independent Case Examiner upheld or partially upheld in 2014/2015

Annual report highlights that DWP need to be more aware of and responsive to individual customer's particular needs

6 November, 2015

For the purposes of PIP activity 3, it is the time taken to supervise, prompt or assist, not how long the therapy takes


6 November, 2015

Government must look at broader support available at point of bereavement when it introduces its new bereavement support payment in 2017

New report from the Social Security Advisory Committee puts forward a series of recommendations to support implementation