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Welfare rights

18 May, 2017

Benefits overpayments rise to £3.5 billion, equivalent to 2 per cent of benefit expenditure in 2016/2017

New DWP statistics also show benefit underpayments of £1.6 billion in 2016/2017

18 May, 2017

Nine in ten people with mental health problems experience a deterioration after being sanctioned

New statistics from Mind also show that three in five people with mental health problems who are sanctioned thought the process made them less likely to get a job

17 May, 2017

Social security commitments in the Liberal Democrat Party 2017 election manifesto

‘Change Britain’s Future’ commits to making a benefit system that is fair, focusing on 'helping people and not just saving money'

17 May, 2017

More than 125,000 adverse jobseeker’s allowance sanction decisions were made in 2016

New DWP statistics also show that more than 9 per cent were high level sanctions

17 May, 2017

Number of people claiming universal credit exceeds 500,000 for first time

However, new DWP statistics also highlight that more than 50,000 claimants are working 'with requirements'

17 May, 2017

Further roll-out of the Real Time Information service to local authorities

New housing benefit guidance

16 May, 2017

Social security commitments in the Labour Party 2017 election manifesto

'For the Many, Not the Few' promises security and dignity to those in retirement and those who cannot work

16 May, 2017

Social security commitments in the Plaid Cymru 2017 election manifesto

Party promises a Wales ‘where everyone is treated with dignity and respect and given the support they need to fully participate in society'

16 May, 2017

Extra time choosing clothes on the basis of appearance can be relevant to the test for daily living activity 6


15 May, 2017

DWP confirms one of its 'key performance measures' is to uphold 80 per cent of decisions under mandatory reconsideration

Response to Freedom of Information request reveals that the DWP exceeded its target in 2016/2017, upholding 87.5 per cent of decisions

15 May, 2017

Universal credit housing costs and the disregard of rent reductions under tenant incentive schemes

New DWP guidance

15 May, 2017

Further roll-out of the universal credit full service from May 2017

New DWP guidance

15 May, 2017

Obtaining further medical evidence for assessing limited capability for work

New DWP guidance

15 May, 2017

IIAC decides not to prescribe rheumatoid arthritis caused by cadmium

Council review concludes there is insufficient evidence to recommend prescription under the Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Scheme

15 May, 2017

IIAC decides not to add motorcycle handlebars to the list of tools causing occupational hand-arm vibration syndrome

Review concludes that there is insufficient evidence to define a level of exposure that doubles the risk of finger blanching

9 May, 2017

Failure of a local authority to consider a long term award of discretionary housing payment

[2017] EWHC 802 (Admin)

5 May, 2017

Industrial Injuries Advisory Council decides not to prescribe work involving exposure to trichloroethylene

Council review concludes there is insufficient evidence to recommend prescription under the Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Scheme

4 May, 2017

Number of households affected by benefit cap has increased by 230 per cent to 66,000

New DWP statistics also highlight that 72 per cent of capped households are single parent families, of which 79 per cent have at least one child under five years

4 May, 2017

Limits of tribunal’s inquisitorial role when assessing prescribed medication / mobility activity 2 and requirement to consider reasonable wishes of claimant to move around
