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Welfare rights

25 April, 2018

IIAC decides not to prescribe non-melanoma skin cancer in workers with high exposure to natural ultraviolet radiation

Advisory Council review concludes that no consistent evidence has been found relating risks to the duration of work

24 April, 2018

Government is ‘closely looking’ into the impact of the two child policy on kinship carers

Minister says government will confirm within the month whether it 'will be able to go forward and support these people'

24 April, 2018

Only 70 per cent of claimants in receipt of support for mortgage interest have been successfully contacted to discuss transferring to a loan

New DWP analysis also highlights that, of those who have been spoken to, only 25 per cent have either accepted a loan or intend to accept one

24 April, 2018

Scottish Government announces intention to remove the six-month eligibility rules for benefit claims based on terminal illness

Amendment to the Social Security (Scotland) Bill will provide for the clinical judgment of medical practitioners that a claimant has a terminal illness to be the determining factor rather than a time limit

24 April, 2018

Jobcentres have been told that 'Windrush generation' claimants should not have their benefits stopped, says Home Secretary

In addition, compensation scheme will be set up in the coming weeks for those who have had benefits cut

24 April, 2018

Growing proportion of foodbank referrals is due to benefit levels not covering the costs of essentials, says Trussell Trust

New analysis shows 52 per cent increase in foodbank use in areas that have been in full service universal credit for at least a year

24 April, 2018

Scottish Welfare Fund crisis grant awards increase by 6 per cent compared to the same quarter in previous year

New statistics also show that one in eight applications were made because of late or delayed benefit payments

24 April, 2018

New Burdens payments as a result of universal credit changes

New DWP guidance

23 April, 2018

Government agrees to introduce recording of PIP assessments as a standard part of the process

However, response to Select Committee rejects recommendations to automatically provide copies of the report to claimants

23 April, 2018

To show that assistance qualifies as social support requires evidence as to nature, frequency and effect / established relationships do not need to be long term or regular

[2018] EWCA Civ 851

20 April, 2018

High Court rules that the two child limit is compatible with the ECHR, but allows claim in relation to the lawfulness of the kinship care exception

SC & Ors v Secretary of State for Work And Pensions & Ors [2018] EWHC 864 (Admin)

20 April, 2018

CPAG launches judicial review proceedings against DWP decision to limit backdating of underpaid benefit following ESA error

Department says it will defend its decision but has agreed to case being expedited

20 April, 2018

Universal Jobmatch to be replaced by new ‘Find a job’ service

New service will be delivered by Adzuna and will launch in May 2018

20 April, 2018

DWP compensation for local authorities faced with compulsory redundancies as a result of housing benefit work moving to the DWP

New local authority bulletin also provides update on developments with universal credit and Universal Support

20 April, 2018

DWP developing two new data matching rules to help local authorities identify incorrect housing benefit claims

New guidance issued to local authority housing benefit departments

19 April, 2018

Government sets out timetable for review of PIP claims affected by High Court judgment

DWP advice also says that PIP decisions made before finalised guidance is issued will not apply the correct interpretation of the law as set out in the MH Upper Tribunal judgment

19 April, 2018

Claimants with a disability will have the right to access advocacy support under the Social Security (Scotland) Bill

Proposed amendment by the Scottish Government extends the previous commitment that any claimant will be able to have a supporter with them

19 April, 2018

Around 25 per cent of ESA appeals had a presenting officer in attendance between April and December 2017

Written answer in the House of Commons shows that this is up from 2 per cent the previous year

19 April, 2018

Scottish Government says it does not support an increase in the six-month eligibility period for benefit claims based on terminal illness

However, Social Security Minister proposes four new ‘special rules’, including eligibility before the date of claim, and automatic entitlement to the higher mobility component of disability benefits