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Welfare rights

3 March, 2020 Open access

Government says it is ‘absolutely our intention’ that claimants will not face benefit sanctions if choosing to self-isolate because of coronavirus

For those who need to self-isolate for medical reasons to protect others, that counts as being off sick, Health Secretary says in Commons debate on the government's coronavirus action plan

3 March, 2020 Open access

TUC calls for changes to statutory sick pay rules for workers affected by coronavirus

Two million workers could face going without any income due to current rules on waiting days and earnings threshold

3 March, 2020

Membership of the Work and Pensions Committee for the new Parliament agreed

Announcement follows appointment of MP for East Ham Stephen Timms as Select Committee Chair

2 March, 2020

Government to trial new integrated assessment service for ESA, PIP and universal credit in small ‘Transformation Area’

While new integrated assessments will be carried out by the DWP, contracted providers will be procured to continue work capability and PIP assessments beyond the end of the current contract in 2021

2 March, 2020

Scottish Government provides further details of how it will extend child DLA entitlement up to age 18

Existing claimants who are due to turn 16 from September 2020 will no longer be invited to apply for PIP and will be able to remain on DLA until they reach 18

2 March, 2020

Continuation of council tax reduction transitional addition in Scotland

New regulations issued in relation to claimants receiving additional ESA following conversion from previous incapacity benefits

28 February, 2020

Tens of thousands of unemployed claimants may be experiencing significant forms of mental distress following the introduction of universal credit

New research also finds that a third of those affected might reach the diagnostic threshold for depression

28 February, 2020

Family of man who starved to death after his benefits were cut off launch legal action against the DWP

This is a case about a government department whose policies and systems are tragically and systematically failing the vulnerable people they are meant to protect, says Leigh Day

28 February, 2020

Ensuring ‘SDP claimants’ who have incorrectly claimed universal credit can have their legacy benefits reinstated

DWP issues new guidance in relation to further changes being made to the severe disability premium process from 2 March 2020

28 February, 2020

Scottish Social Security Commission issues further report on draft Scottish Child Payment Regulations

Supplementary scrutiny focuses on the arrangements for initial roll-out, changes of circumstances, and dealing with multiple applications

28 February, 2020

Evaluation of Transitional Employment Services in Scotland highlights need to provide a flexible offer with few hard timescales

Key findings include that while a very high proportion of people with a disability or health condition are interested in work, for some, their health places particular constraints on their participation

27 February, 2020

Proportion of households that do not claim pension credit entitlement remains unchanged at 40 per cent

New DWP take-up statistics estimate that up to £2.5 billion of pension credit is not being claimed by around 1.2 million households

27 February, 2020

One in five claimants in ESA support group, or universal credit equivalent, have a desire to do paid work

However, new DWP research finds that the high risks associated with moving into work 'perversely incentivise' individuals to avoid engaging with work-related support

27 February, 2020

More than 90,000 people have started on the Work and Health Programme since its launch in November 2017, with around 10,000 achieving a job outcome

New DWP statistics also highlight that 73 per cent of those who make a start on the Programme are in the Disability group

26 February, 2020

Rigid expectations placed on universal credit claimants to increase hours or pay are ‘at odds with realities of working life’

New report from Centre for Decent Work and Productivity also highlights employers' concerns of negative impacts on employee well-being and motivation

26 February, 2020

Almost 2 million universal credit claimants received an advance payment in the year to November 2019

Minister says that 'this shows that claimants are being made aware of advances and are using it where they need this help'

26 February, 2020

Department for Communities confirms it has completed reassessment of DLA claimants for PIP, with a 76 per cent award rate

However, new statistics to November 2019 also show that just under half of new claims resulted in an award

26 February, 2020

More than 40 per cent of universal credit claimants renting in the private sector in Northern Ireland opt to have housing costs paid direct to them

New statistics from the Department for Communities also show that 62 per cent of claimants take up an advance payment

26 February, 2020

More than two thirds of claimants referred to Scotland’s voluntary employment service chose to receive support

However, new Scottish Government statistics also show that only around a quarter of people using the service started a job after joining