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Welfare rights

16 March, 2020 Open access

All face-to-face assessments for sickness and disability benefits suspended for three months with effect from 17 March 2020

Alternative arrangements could involve either telephone or paper-based assessments, says DWP

16 March, 2020

Government tells select committee that access to justice is ‘fundamental’ to the court and tribunal reform programme

Response to Committee's report says the central purpose of reform is to 'shape the justice system around the needs of all its users'

16 March, 2020

Assistance may qualify for activity 3 if required due to nature of therapy tasks rather than physical or mental impairment in performing tasks / consideration of activity 2 and prompting to eat sufficient quantity of food

TK v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (PIP)
[2020] UKUT 22 (AAC)

16 March, 2020 Open access

People who are self-isolating as a result of coronavirus to be treated as incapable of work for SSP purposes in Northern Ireland

New statutory rule

16 March, 2020 Open access

Temporary reforms to employment and support allowance and universal credit to support claimants during the coronavirus outbreak

New statutory instrument introduces measures announced in Budget 2020, including removal of waiting days, treating affected claimants as having limited capability for work, and changes to the minimum income floor

16 March, 2020

National Insurance earnings limits and thresholds for 2020/2021

New statutory instrument

16 March, 2020

Human Rights Committee welcomes revised draft Jobseekers (Back to Work Schemes) Act 2013 Remedial Order

Once approved, the Order will restore rights of appeal for certain jobseeker's allowance claimants who had pending sanctions appeals when the 2013 Act entered into force

13 March, 2020 Open access

DWP sets out range of measures it will put into place to support employees and claimants affected by coronavirus

Government also confirms that forthcoming legislation to make SSP payable from day one for people affected by the coronavirus will apply retrospectively from 13 March 2020

13 March, 2020 Open access

Regulations deeming people who are self-isolating as a result of coronavirus to be incapable of work for SSP purposes come into force today

Emergency legislation introduced to reduce the risk that employees will continue to work despite advice that they should self-isolate

13 March, 2020 Open access

Temporary reforms to employment and support allowance and universal credit in Northern Ireland to support claimants during the coronavirus outbreak

New statutory rule introduces measures announced in Budget 2020, including removal of waiting days, treating affected claimants as having limited capability for work, and changes to the minimum income floor

13 March, 2020

Government identifies 24,000 families that have been underpaid disabled child element of child tax credit, the third time in four years that the error has occurred

OBR Economic Outlook reports that the cost of correcting the error will be £50 million in 2020/2021 alone

13 March, 2020

Joint Committee on Human Rights issues call for evidence on Immigration and Social Security Coordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill

Views sought on significant human rights issues raised by Bill and whether it could do more to enhance protection of human rights

13 March, 2020

Tax credits, child benefit and guardian’s allowance uprating 2020/2021

New statutory instrument

13 March, 2020

Provisions to give full effect to the 2020 benefits and pensions up-rating exercise

New statutory instrument also increases the earnings limit for carer's allowance to £128 net per week

13 March, 2020

Continuation of housing benefit transitional addition beyond 4 April 2020

New regulations issued in relation to claimants receiving additional ESA following conversion from previous incapacity benefits

13 March, 2020

DWP confirms that practice of seeking new information at mandatory reconsideration stage in PIP cases has been adopted in ESA and universal credit

Positive early results have been seen from investment in additional time for communication, evidence gather and review, says Minister for Disabled People

13 March, 2020

Consequential amendments to secondary legislation in relation to the introduction of statutory parental bereavement pay

New statutory instruments

12 March, 2020

OBR predicts that roll-out of universal credit will take two years longer than DWP currently assumes and won’t be completed until September 2026

Delay will save around £0.7 billion a year by 2024/2025, as the costs for those who gain under universal credit and transitional protection paid to those who would lose out from a managed move to universal credit are postponed

12 March, 2020

Right to independent advocacy for disabled people needing assistance in relation to Scottish social security system

New statutory instrument