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Welfare rights

5 July, 2006

Welfare reform bill reaction

Leading advice and disability organisations respond

5 July, 2006

The contracting out of CSA work in Northern Ireland

New statutory rule

5 July, 2006

Standards of decision-making in 2002 and 2003

Secretary of State's report

4 July, 2006

Validity and effect of provisions restricting the right to claim child benefit following separation


4 July, 2006

Pensions and pension reform

New DWP research

4 July, 2006

Breaking down the barriers to work

Government publishes welfare reform bill

3 July, 2006

Onus of proof where a claim form is posted but is said not to have been received

New Court of Appeal judgment

3 July, 2006

Need for both members of a couple to supply a national insurance number when claiming benefit

New Court of Appeal judgment

3 July, 2006

Government launches eight Link-Age Plus pilots

DWP funded £10 million programme aimed at tackling social exclusion of older people

3 July, 2006

A step back to pre-war welfare provision?

DWP staff union publishes report on government plans to contract out some Jobcentre Plus work

30 June, 2006

Overpayment of dependent addition/ calculation of overpayment


30 June, 2006

Importance of undertaking a proper step-by step approach to assessing disablement


30 June, 2006

Loss of record of proceedings


30 June, 2006

The contracting out of CSA work

New statutory instrument

30 June, 2006

New Deal for Lone Parents

New DWP research

30 June, 2006

Child support reforms costing £539 million fail to deliver much-needed improvements

New National Audit Office report

29 June, 2006

Jurisdiction of a magistrates’ court in relation to arrears of child support

[2006] UKHL 31