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Welfare rights

22 July, 2010

Adequacy of tribunal reasons for decision in relation to conflicting expert evidence


22 July, 2010

Community care grant scheme does not deliver value for money according to National Audit Office

National Audit Office highlight key areas that need to be addressed

22 July, 2010

Half a million working families will lose £1,000 per year as a result of tax credit changes, says TUC

New research reveals 'hidden' cut says General Secretary

22 July, 2010

Directgov moves from DWP to Cabinet Office

Getting more people on line essential in move to cut costs while maintaining standards says Minister for Cabinet Office

21 July, 2010

Treatment of foster children in housing benefit assessments

DWP to amend legislation following recent Upper Tribunal decision

21 July, 2010

Coalition's welfare reforms won’t work in Northern Ireland, Social Development Minister tells Lord Freud

Alex Attwood highlights 'three big differences' between Belfast and London

21 July, 2010

Reassessment of 1.5 million incapacity benefit claimants will be a challenge that the DWP is equipped to deliver says Lord Freud

Minister for Welfare Reform responds to Lords' questions on migration to ESA

21 July, 2010

Change to average interest rate, as published by the Bank of England, when calculating housing costs

New statutory instrument

21 July, 2010

Transfer of contributory benefit rights to the Pension Scheme of the European Union

New statutory instrument

20 July, 2010

Parliament confirms new members of the Work and Pensions Select Committee

Appointments include former chief executive of CPAG

19 July, 2010

DWP launches informal online consultation on implementation of Work Programme

Introduction of facility to enable suppliers to propose and discuss ideas

16 July, 2010

Exemption from claiming retirement pension

New statutory instrument

16 July, 2010

Child support debt recovery target must be set as a matter of urgency, says Gingerbread

Response to DWP figures showing that £3,761 million owed in child maintenance arrears

15 July, 2010

Proportion of community care grant applications awarded decreases in comparison to last year

However proportion of budgeting loans awarded increases, according to new DWP figures

15 July, 2010

Calculation of household income where couple separate during course of tax year / notification of appeal hearing to both joint claimants where one appeals


14 July, 2010

Valuation of claimant’s share of property occupied by estranged wife


14 July, 2010

Despite fall in jobseeker's allowance claims, number on other benefits remains 'stubbornly high' says Minister for Employment

DWP responds to new labour market figures

14 July, 2010

Supersession for error of law following House of Lords’ 1994 decision in Mallinson
