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News and case law

Daily news and case law updates across five areas of social welfare law: welfare benefits, debt, housing, employment and community care. Subscribe for updates.

26 September, 2019

Scottish Social Security Secretary confirms there will never be a limit on the number of children in a family who are eligible for the Scottish child payment

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26 September, 2019

Public Accounts Committee to look at HMCTS progress in delivering its courts and tribunals reform programme

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26 September, 2019

Scottish Government publishes first annual progress report on performance of the Scottish social security system

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26 September, 2019

DWP sets out ‘adjustments’ to support universal credit claimants with sight loss

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25 September, 2019

New young carer grant in Scotland will be administered on a ‘first come, first served basis’ where there are conflicting claims

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24 September, 2019

DWP issues further guidance on the payment of SDP transitional payments

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24 September, 2019

Labour Party commits to reducing working week to average of 32 hours with no loss of pay

More Employment news

24 September, 2019

Welsh Government launches consultation on equality objectives, including long term aim to eliminate inequality caused by poverty

More Welfare rights news

23 September, 2019

High Court rules that universal credit minimum income floor is not unlawful

More Welfare rights case law

23 September, 2019

Experience of universal credit claimants is ‘overwhelmingly bad’

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23 September, 2019

Labour Party pledges to introduce free personal care for all older people in England

More Community care news

23 September, 2019

73 per cent success rate in PIP appeals raises serious question about quality of DWP primary decision making

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23 September, 2019

More than 8 million people in England are living in an unaffordable, insecure or unsuitable home

More Housing news

20 September, 2019

EU national who ceases self-employed activity in late stage of pregnancy retains self-employed status as long as they start to work again ‘within a reasonable period’ after birth of child

More Welfare rights case law

20 September, 2019

Labour Party announces plans to fund new network of ‘People’s Law Centres’

More Welfare rights news

20 September, 2019

Department of Health and Social Care should work with DWP to examine feasibility of indicating whether claimants are entitled to free prescriptions or dental treatment in award letters

More Welfare rights news

20 September, 2019

Exclusion of certain student accommodation provided by educational establishments from the definition of house in multiple occupation

More Housing news