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News and case law

Daily news and case law updates across five areas of social welfare law: welfare benefits, debt, housing, employment and community care. Subscribe for updates.

17 November, 2022

IIAC recommends adding occupational impacts of Covid-19 on health and social care workers to list of prescribed industrial diseases

More Welfare rights news

17 November, 2022

DWP confirms that it is continuing pause on inviting adult DLA claimants to claim PIP

More Welfare rights news

17 November, 2022

Social Housing (Regulation) Bill will bring in a ‘rigorous new regime that holds landlords to account for the decency of their homes’

More Housing news

17 November, 2022

Social landlords in Wales agree not to evict tenants who are in financial hardship during 2023/2024 where they seek support from their landlord

More Housing news

16 November, 2022

DWP should reduce the risks for disabled people trying out employment and instead strengthen the guarantees, incentives and support available

More Welfare rights news

15 November, 2022

Universal credit sanction rate rose by more than five percentage points in 12 months to August 2022

More Welfare rights news

15 November, 2022

DWP Minister confirms that the Department has no plans to means test DLA and PIP

More Welfare rights news

15 November, 2022

High Court finds that local authority should have provided reasons for not following earlier, more generous, assessment of care needs

More Community care case law

15 November, 2022

Extension of Scottish child payment ‘shows the UK Chancellor that prioritising those on low incomes is possible’

More Welfare rights news

15 November, 2022

One in eight households on universal credit received no payment in each of the three months to August 2022

More Welfare rights news

15 November, 2022

More than nine in ten adult social services directors in England do not believe there is the funding or workforce to meet the support needs of older and disabled people this winter

More Community care news

14 November, 2022

Miscellaneous amendments to Scottish social security benefits including in relation to the extension of Scottish child payment to children between six and 15

More Welfare rights news

14 November, 2022

Requiring early conciliation before a low paid worker can make a complaint to an employment tribunal about exclusivity clauses

More Employment news

14 November, 2022

Limitation on subsequent disposal of Right to Buy dwellings in designated rural areas in England

More Housing news

14 November, 2022

Government confirms allocation of £20 million funding to help local authorities enforce standards in the supported housing sector

More Housing news

14 November, 2022

Extending the categories of properties excepted from paying council tax premium on second homes in Wales

More Housing news

11 November, 2022

Number of landlord possession claims in the three months to September 2022 was more than twice that in the same period in 2021

More Housing news