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News and case law

Daily news and case law updates across five areas of social welfare law: welfare benefits, debt, housing, employment and community care. Subscribe for updates.

13 July, 2023

Provision of lump-sum payments to claimants during cost of living crisis has been poorly designed to alleviate deprivation

More Welfare rights news

13 July, 2023

Bill making provision in relation to workplace bullying receives first reading in House of Commons

More Employment news

12 July, 2023

DWP confirms that its ability to test for unfair impacts across protected characteristics is currently limited when using algorithms to detect potential fraud

More Welfare rights news

12 July, 2023

EU Rights and Brexit Hub issues memo to Work and Pensions Committee highlighting concerns that regulations disapplying EU equal treatment legislation create a ‘default of discrimination’

More Welfare rights news

12 July, 2023

Scottish Government and COSLA launch consultation on increasing council tax for properties in valuation bands E to H

More Housing news

12 July, 2023

Department for Communities in Northern Ireland must do more to improve use of further evidence in assessing PIP entitlement

More Welfare rights news

11 July, 2023

Court of Appeal rules that UK Disability Survey did not constitute a consultation and so did not attract obligations including to ‘permit intelligent consideration and response’

More Welfare rights case law

11 July, 2023

Government confirms that it plans to move ahead with ‘ambitious overhaul’ of Consumer Credit Act

More Debt news

11 July, 2023

Government launches new Health Adjustments Passport for disabled veterans

More Employment news

11 July, 2023

Government says it is carrying out final consultations on repeal of the Vagrancy Act and will ‘look for right piece of legislation as soon as possible’

More Housing news

11 July, 2023

Housing Ombudsman to use enhanced scrutiny powers for the first time to carry out an in-person inspection of a landlord’s repeated complaints handling failures

More Housing news

10 July, 2023

Roll out of Health Transformation Programme is capped at 20 per cent until 2029 due to ‘limitations’ in the Functional Assessment Services contracts

More Welfare rights news

10 July, 2023

Simplified forms to be used in carrying out light touch reviews of PIP to be introduced from August 2023

More Welfare rights news

10 July, 2023

Employment Tribunals President issues updated guidance on alternative dispute resolution and judicial mediation

More Employment news

10 July, 2023

Universal credit £20 uplift had a far greater impact on reducing poverty rates than increase in work allowances and reduction of taper rate that followed its withdrawal

More Welfare rights news

10 July, 2023

Round-up of recent Employment Appeal Tribunal case law

More Employment case law

7 July, 2023

Until the DWP develops an ‘early warning system’ to pick up systemic underpayment issues, large scale corrective exercises will continue to be a common feature of the benefit system

More Welfare rights news