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News and case law

Daily news and case law updates across five areas of social welfare law: welfare benefits, debt, housing, employment and community care. Subscribe for updates.

5 September, 2016

Government should adopt a ‘living rent’ for new affordable homes, says Renewal think tank

More Housing news

5 September, 2016

Welfare reforms will lead to closure of 67 per cent of refuges in England, says Women’s Aid

More Welfare rights news

5 September, 2016

Tribunal failed to properly consider whether claimant had good reason for failing to participate in Mandatory Work Activity

More Welfare rights case law

5 September, 2016

Employment case law round up

More Employment case law

2 September, 2016

Insolvency service launches new ‘DRO2’ Debt Relief Order service

More Debt news

2 September, 2016

Claimant already working voluntarily had good reason for failing to undertake mandatory work activity

More Welfare rights case law

2 September, 2016

Women with young children a third less likely to be in work than men with children of the same age

More Employment news

1 September, 2016

LGO finds council at fault for 11 month delay in arranging move from unsuitable care home

More Community care news

1 September, 2016

More than 19,000 council tax support claimants in London faced bailiff action in 2015/2016

More Welfare rights news

1 September, 2016

Claimant cannot be sanctioned for failing to undertake unreasonable work-related activity

More Welfare rights case law

1 September, 2016

Tenanted flat not a disregarded ‘business asset’

More Welfare rights case law

31 August, 2016

Dooneen Ltd (trading as McGinnes Associates) & Anor v Mond

More Debt case law

31 August, 2016

Funding and responsibility for the new Work and Health Programme should be fully devolved to local councils, says LGA

More Welfare rights news

31 August, 2016

Brexit could have ‘significant implications’ for the social security rights of European and UK nationals, says House of Commons Library

More Welfare rights news

31 August, 2016

Social security system needs reform to avoid ‘mass impoverishment’ in the 2020s, says Fabian Society

More Welfare rights news

31 August, 2016

Government must take urgent action to protect pregnant women from workplace discrimination, say MPs

More Employment news

31 August, 2016

9.7 per cent decrease in numbers claiming council tax reduction in Scotland

More Welfare rights news