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News and case law

Daily news and case law updates across five areas of social welfare law: welfare benefits, debt, housing, employment and community care. Subscribe for updates.

23 January, 2017

GO (AP) v Aberdeen City Council

More Housing case law

23 January, 2017

Employment case law round up

More Employment case law

20 January, 2017

Exceptions to the two-child limit in universal credit and child tax credit

More Welfare rights news

20 January, 2017

Government drops plan for the localisation of attendance allowance

More Welfare rights news

20 January, 2017

LGA calls for ‘radical rethink’ of job centres to help more people back to work

More Welfare rights news

20 January, 2017

Requiring lone parents with a youngest child aged 3 or 4 to undertake work-related activity

More Welfare rights news

20 January, 2017

Welsh Government launches consultation on the Trade Union (Wales) Bill

More Employment news

20 January, 2017

‘Communication support’ in connection with hearing loss can be provided by family and friends and is not limited to help from sign language interpreters

More Welfare rights case law

19 January, 2017

Claimants accessing ‘universal support’ would benefit from ‘in-depth, longer-term support’

More Welfare rights news

19 January, 2017

British Airline Pilots Association v Jet2.Com Ltd

More Employment case law

19 January, 2017

London Borough of Croydon v Lopes

More Housing case law

19 January, 2017

Requirement to consider whether reasonable to treat housing benefit claimant as liable for rent under regulation 8(1)(c)(ii) where there is no legal liability

More Welfare rights case law

19 January, 2017

Social housing rents have been increasing faster than earnings since 2001/2002, says NAO

More Housing news

18 January, 2017

Reductions in the value of benefits could leave families worse off by £2,800 a year by 2020 compared to start of decade

More Welfare rights news

18 January, 2017

Opposition day motion to suspend roll-out of universal credit and jobcentre closure programme defeated in the House of Commons

More Welfare rights news

18 January, 2017

More than 250,000 universal credit claimants in ‘searching for work’ conditionality regime

More Welfare rights news

18 January, 2017

London Borough of Hackney v Haque

More Housing case law