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Welfare rights

27 January, 2015

DWP publishes information on performance of Carer’s Allowance Unit for 2013/2014

New transparency data shows that Unit achieved 99.9 per cent payments accuracy

27 January, 2015

DWP publishes penalties policy for social security fraud and error

New document sets out action Department will take when it suspects fraud and penalties it will impose when overpayment occurs due to claimant error

26 January, 2015

Universal credit expands to families in 26 more areas from today

DWP provides details of new areas taking claims from those with responsibility for children

26 January, 2015

Number of parents paying maintenance through Child Support Agency is ‘at an all-time high’

DWP says that almost nine out of ten non-resident parents within system are now contributing towards child maintenance

23 January, 2015

Devolution options for housing benefit and employment support should be investigated, says IPPR

New report argues that devolving specific benefits or welfare programmes could boost growth and economic performance

23 January, 2015

Tax and benefit reforms introduced since May 2010 have hit the poorest the hardest

New briefing note from the Institute for Fiscal Studies also finds that cuts to in-work benefits have undermined work incentives

23 January, 2015

DWP publishes second tranche of local authorities and jobcentre areas that will begin to deliver universal credit

Claims will begin to be accepted from single jobseekers between May and July 2015

23 January, 2015

New powers of data sharing between DWP and local support providers

New statutory instrument

23 January, 2015

DWP publishes consultation response on universal credit data sharing with local support providers

Having considered responses DWP confirms that regulations will come into force on 13 February 2015

22 January, 2015

Scottish government to have power to vary housing costs within universal credit

New draft legislation also sets out powers for the Scottish government over disability benefits, the regulated social fund, and discretionary housing payments

22 January, 2015

Current planning assumption is that virtually all new claims will be for universal credit during 2016, says Lord Freud

Minister for Welfare Reform also tells LGA that bulk of migration of legacy benefits should be complete by 2019 and that signs from test of 'Digital Service' in Sutton have been 'very encouraging so far'

22 January, 2015

Commons Select Committee recommends Defra commission further research into why people are using foodbanks

New report suggests Living Costs and Food Survey could be used to gather data on problems individuals experience in obtaining sufficient food

22 January, 2015

Guidance and clarification on the Fraud and Error Reduction Incentive Scheme

New HB guidance

21 January, 2015

People with mental health problems being sanctioned at a rate of more than 100 per day

New data released by the Methodist Church also shows that claimants judged as unfit to work due to mental health problems are more likely to have their benefits stopped by sanctions than those suffering from other conditions.

21 January, 2015

Only 20 per cent of those who stop claiming JSA after being sanctioned have found employment

New research raises concern that other services, like NHS and food banks, may be absorbing cost of supporting hundreds of thousands who are 'disappearing from view'

21 January, 2015

Over a million jobseekers signed up to the claimant commitment

Claimants 'need to do more to find work or face losing their benefits', says DWP

21 January, 2015

All hardship payments made within three days, says Employment Minister

Written answer to parliament also confirms that claimants are told about payments before being sanctioned and given assistance with application process where needed

21 January, 2015

26,940 people were on the universal credit caseload as at 11 December 2014

New DWP statistics also show that, of these, 35 per cent were in employment

20 January, 2015

DWP publishes Equality Analysis about extension of JSA sickness periods

New analysis sets out details of proposal under which claimants with health condition will be given option to stay on JSA for period of up to 13 weeks