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Welfare rights

19 February, 2015

Roll-out of universal credit should test different payment methods to protect 'financial autonomy of women'

New report from the JCHR also recommends that the government should exclude sanctuary scheme properties from the bedroom tax

19 February, 2015

Uprating of pnuemoconiosis compensation payments and mesothelioma lump sum payments in Northern Ireland

New statutory rules

19 February, 2015

Disclosure to credit reference agencies of information relating to those liable to pay child support in Northern Ireland

New statutory rule

18 February, 2015

Over 50,000 sanctions applied to employment and support allowance claimants since new regime began in December 2012

New DWP statistics show that nearly half of those decisions were overturned when challenged

18 February, 2015

31,030 people were on the universal credit caseload as at 8 January 2015

New DWP statistics also show that, of these, 55 per cent were under 24

17 February, 2015

Prime Minister outlines plan to abolish long-term youth unemployment

Proposal would see those who have been out of work for more than six months required to do community work for entitlement to a 'youth allowance'

17 February, 2015

70 per cent of those affected by bedroom tax have also had cut to council tax support

New Policy Institute highlights overlap between 380,000 families affected by bedroom tax and 2.3 million families whose council tax support has been reduced

17 February, 2015

DWP reports on High Court's dismissal of bedroom tax challenge by woman whose home had been adapted under a Sanctuary Scheme

According to new HB Bulletin, High Court held that, whilst bedroom tax policy has disproportionate effect on women, it is not 'manifestly without reasonable foundation'

17 February, 2015

Prescription of noise induced hearing loss in certain occupations for industrial injuries benefit purposes

IIAC review calls for research to provide noise exposure data about work involving blow mould extrusion of plastic, the use of circular saws on natural stone and the use of pneumatic percussive tools on concrete

17 February, 2015

Piloting of universal credit in-work conditionality

New DWP guidance

17 February, 2015

Roll-out of universal credit to single claimants in ‘relevant districts’ from 16 February 2015

DWP issues new guidance

17 February, 2015

Increase in maximum administrative penalty from £2,000 to £5,000

New statutory instrument introduces increase from 1 April 2015

17 February, 2015

Prescription of cancers of the larynx or ovary in relation to asbestos exposure for industrial injuries benefit purposes

IIAC review concludes that threshold for prescription not reached in either case

16 February, 2015

DWP publishes good practice guide on pursuing housing benefit overpayment recovery effectively

New guide for local authority staff advises that 'debt recovery should at all times be proportionate and always take account of the debtors personal circumstances'

16 February, 2015

DWP begins to write to existing EEA national jobseeker's allowance claimants about three-month time limit to their claim

New edition of Touchbase confirms that people who were claiming before time limits introduced in January 2014 are being advised that their claim and their right to reside in UK will be reviewed after three months

16 February, 2015

Calculation of additional state pension

New statutory instruments

16 February, 2015

‘More than ever, universal credit is working’, says Iain Duncan Smith

New report highlighting early labour market impacts also confirms that claims for existing benefits will cease by end of 2017 but gives no date for final roll-out to legacy benefit claimants

16 February, 2015

Miscellaneous amendments relating to prescribed diseases for industrial injuries disablement benefit in Northern Ireland

New statutory rule

16 February, 2015

DWP announces third and fourth tranches of universal credit national roll-out

Expansion, between September 2015 and April 2016, to complete roll-out for single jobseekers which begins today