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Welfare rights

23 June, 2015

Less than 12,000 of almost 120,000 families in troubled families programme achieved 'continuous employment' result by May 2015

However, new figures also show that almost 105,000 achieved prescribed education and crime/anti-social behaviour results

22 June, 2015

Prime Minister signals move from ‘merry-go-round’ of low pay topped up by benefits

Speech today follows yesterday's confirmation from Chancellor and Work and Pensions Secretary that government will go ahead with £12bn cuts to welfare

22 June, 2015

Scottish Government publishes draft clauses for Scotland Bill to implement priority areas for further devolution

Proposals include full responsibility for all working-age benefits or flexibilities in universal credit delivery if working-age benefits are not to be devolved

22 June, 2015

Northern Ireland Executive appoints new Interim Social Fund Commissioner

Walter Rader to replace Karamjit Singh from 1 July 2015

19 June, 2015

Gingerbread and CPAG call on government to raise level of childcare support in tax credits to 85 per cent

New research shows that childcare costs are rising sharply, and one in five children with at least one working parent is growing up in poverty

18 June, 2015

Universal credit weakens the work incentive for potential second earners in a household, says the Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Additionally, the work capability assessment is a 'benefit gateway' rather than the start of an 'employment plan' and will not change under universal credit

18 June, 2015

Welsh government needs to address underclaiming of pension credit, says National Assembly Committee

Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee also calls for funding of the Discretionary Assistance Fund to be restored to former level

18 June, 2015

More than two-thirds of people who complete the Work Programme return to jobcentre plus at the end of their two years

New DWP statistics also show that recent participants spent less than a third of their time on the Programme off benefit

18 June, 2015

Frank Field announced as new chair of the Work and Pensions Committee

Labour MP for Birkenhead elected winning 307 votes out of 611

17 June, 2015

New PIP claims currently taking an average of 11 weeks from registration to decision

New DWP statistics also show that 50 per cent of new claims led to an award compared with 77 per cent of DLA reassessed claims

17 June, 2015

Reform think tank calls for government to invest in social housing in order to reduce spending on housing benefit

New report also recommends removing 'perverse incentive' to claim ESA by reducing the rate for those in the work related activity group to that of JSA

17 June, 2015

Expansion of conditionality under universal credit could lead to number of sanctions almost doubling

'Expanding massively the scope of conditionality and sanctions is an alarming prospect', says the New Policy Institute

17 June, 2015

Standard interest rate to fall to 3.12 per cent in July 2015

Fall reflects reduction in the Bank of England's measure of household mortgage rates

17 June, 2015

Universal credit caseload only at two-thirds the number projected for May 2015

New DWP statistics also show that, while 110,890 have claimed universal credit, only 74,120 have actually made a start on the benefit

16 June, 2015

More than half a million people received council tax reduction in Scotland in 2014/2015

However, new statistics highlight a 4.8 per cent decrease in the number of recipients since the scheme was introduced in April 2013

15 June, 2015

Impact of new extended period of sickness rules on the ‘genuine prospect of work’ test

New DWP guidance

15 June, 2015

Scottish Government outlines priority areas for further devolution of powers, including in relation to working age and children's benefits

Deputy First Minister also calls for transfer of responsibility for employment programmes and Jobcentre Plus

12 June, 2015

Hard to see how council tax support could be integrated with universal credit, says New Policy Institute

New research looks at how local schemes can be designed to protect both the revenue of local authorities and the incomes of their least well-off residents

11 June, 2015

Government rejects SSAC's call for it not to proceed with introduction of universal credit waiting days

Fundamental principle is that social security is not designed to provide cover for moving between jobs or brief spells of unemployment, says government