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Welfare rights

5 November, 2015

Benefits worth £3bn overpaid in 2014/2015, with net loss of £2.1bn after £930m recovered from claimants

However, new DWP statistics also show that £1.5bn underpaid, with £0.6bn of underpayments due to official error

4 November, 2015

Cabinet Secretary warns that imposing four year residence requirement for tax credits on EU migrants may be illegal

BBC reports Sir Jeremy Heywood as advising Prime Minister that, to avoid claims of discrimination, limitation could be for only a 'few weeks or months'

4 November, 2015

Work and Pensions Committee renews call for Treasury to provide numbers of people flowing on and off tax credits

Chair of Committee writes to Exchequer Secretary following Treasury's failure to provide numbers in response to parliamentary questions

4 November, 2015

DWP considering whether to extend pilot of placing jobcentre advisers in food banks

Department to see if there is potential for further engagement 'where there is local need and Jobcentre Plus are invited to do so', says Employment Minister

4 November, 2015

HMRC must rapidly improve customer service which was 'previously abysmal and now even worse', says Public Accounts Committee

Report highlights that, in the first half of the year, only 50 per cent of calls were answered

4 November, 2015

Work incentives for low paid must be protected, says Centre for Social Justice

Think tank established by Iain Duncan Smith puts forward a number of options to resolve tax credit controversy

3 November, 2015

Work and Pensions Committee calls on Chancellor to provide detailed breakdown of tax credit cuts impacts

Letter from Committee Chair requests distributional analysis taking into account all of Summer Budget 2015 changes

3 November, 2015

Flexible Support Fund budget for 2014/2015 underspent by 47 per cent

Written answer from Employment Minister reveals that £72m awarded out of £136m budget

3 November, 2015

Sanctions support people into work - 'particularly those with health conditions' - says Minister for Employment

'The sanctions system is clear, fair and effective' adds Ms Patel

3 November, 2015

Scottish Secretary sets out further details of Scotland Bill amendments

Written statement to parliament includes confirmation of changes to Scottish Government's powers in relation to universal credit and discretionary housing payments

2 November, 2015

Government tables amendments designed to strengthen Scotland Bill’s welfare provisions

Changes include removing definition of relevant carer and making it clear that UK Government has no veto on welfare changes introduced by Scottish Parliament

2 November, 2015

Family members of armed forces personnel posted abroad to be exempt from three month JSA residence requirement

Reform to benefit returning spouses, civil partners and dependants aged up to 21

2 November, 2015

Changes to national insurance number application procedure for people who have applied for Biometric Residence Permit

New statutory instrument

2 November, 2015

DWP sets out procedures for correcting errors where benefits paid into wrong bank account

Employment Minister tells parliament that payment will be re-issued where fault was with Department but not where claimant provided incorrect details

30 October, 2015

Government seeks expressions of interest from landlords to join 'Trusted Partner Pilot' for universal credit

Pilot will test how universal credit claimants can be better supported towards managing direct payment of their rent to their landlord

30 October, 2015

Chair of Work and Pensions Committee 'particularly disappointed' at DWP decision not to monitor destinations of sanctioned claimants

In a letter to the Secretary of State, Frank Field also requests further details of government's proposed changes to sanctions regime

30 October, 2015

United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to investigate UK welfare reforms

Committee requests further information in respect of standards of living, poverty, and food insecurity

30 October, 2015

House of Commons passes motion calling on government to reconsider effect of tax credit cuts and bring forward proposals to mitigate it

Motion passed by 215 votes to 0 including support from 20 Conservative MPs

29 October, 2015

DWP ensures that there are solutions in place for those that are not digitally included, says Minister for Disabled People

Written answer assures parliament that IT access will be available to claimants without it and that universal credit assists those without digital skills to gain them