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Welfare rights

3 December, 2015

Around three-quarters of people will have notionally higher income under new state pension than under current system

New DWP analysis of impacts during first 15 years of implementation also shows that new system will benefit greater proportion of women than men

2 December, 2015

DCLG launches independent review of local council tax support schemes

Review to consider what replacement of council tax benefit has meant for people receiving the support and whether it should be part of universal credit in the future

2 December, 2015

Existing ESA claimants who are placed in WRAG after April 2017 to retain work-related activity component

Employment Minister confirms position for those undergoing work capability assessment after component abolished for new claimants

2 December, 2015

Over half a million council tax reduction recipients in Scotland

New statistics show, however, that the total number of recipients has decreased by 7.2 per cent since the start of the scheme

2 December, 2015

Benefit systems supported by conditionality are effective at moving people into work, says Employment Minister

Written answer from Ms Patel states majority of claimants say 'sanctions make it more likely they will follow the rules'

2 December, 2015

Discretionary housing payment scheme will be available to disabled people hit by capping social sector rents at LHA level

Minister for Disabled People also advises that, as cap only applies to new tenancies, claimants will have opportunity to decide if they can afford the property

1 December, 2015

Work and Pensions Committee launches inquiry into funeral poverty and bereavement benefits

Inquiry launched in context of BBC freedom of information request showing that cost to local authorities of 'paupers' funerals' has risen by almost 30 per cent in the last four years

1 December, 2015

Facilitating the electronic communication of benefit information

New DWP directions amend existing directions to add references to universal credit and personal independence payment

1 December, 2015

Automated sharing of data from universal credit to support claims to local council tax reduction

New edition of HB Direct advises that new questions have been added to universal credit online claim to establish if claimant has council tax liability

27 November, 2015

Only 74 per cent of DLA claims reassessed will be successful in a PIP award, estimates Office for Budget Responsibility

Latest evidence from DWP also suggests that PIP reassessments will not be completed until 2018/2019

26 November, 2015

DWP issues Urgent Bulletin following benefit cap High Court judgment

DWP says that it will continue to apply the benefit cap as now whilst it considers its position

26 November, 2015

Benefit uprating 2016/2017

New rates now available

26 November, 2015

Tax credit, child benefit and guardian’s allowance uprating 2016/2017

New rates now available

26 November, 2015

Government publishes second response to Paul Gray's independent review of personal independence payment assessments

Response sets out actions the DWP has taken or will take in relation to Mr Gray's medium and long-term recommendations

25 November, 2015

Welfare benefit related highlights in today’s Spending Review and Autumn Statement 2015

Chancellor confirms that proposed tax credit cuts will not go ahead, but that welfare cap will not be met from 2016/2017 to 2018/2019

25 November, 2015

DWP confirms that jobseeker's allowance claimants are not sanctioned for failing to answer their telephone

However, Employment Minister also advises that universal credit claimants who fail to participate in prearranged telephone interview may be referred for sanction

25 November, 2015

44,100 sanctions imposed on lone parent income support claimants in year to June 2015

New DWP statistics show that this represents 6 per cent of client base

25 November, 2015

Northern Ireland (Welfare Reform) Bill receives second and third readings in House of Lords

Expedited Bill now ready for Royal Assent

25 November, 2015

Number of starts on Skills Conditionality has dropped by over 50 per cent in the last year

New DWP statistics also show that the number of starts on Mandatory Work Activity dropped by 23 per cent