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Welfare rights

26 April, 2017

New Burdens payments relating to implementing welfare reform changes and the Single Fraud Investigation Service

New DWP guidance sets out the allocation of funding to each local authority in 2017/2018

26 April, 2017

Scottish Parliament calls on UK Government to remove the two child limit and scrap the ‘rape clause’

First Minister says scrapping the policy is the only appropriate way to mitigate its effects in Scotland

26 April, 2017

Interaction of tax credits and tax-free childcare accounts

New statutory instrument

25 April, 2017

Healthcare professionals in England will be able to submit DS1500s electronically from May 2017

DWP guidance updated

25 April, 2017

Referrals to food banks have increased by more than 16 per cent in universal credit full service areas

Trussell Trust reports that increase is more than double the national average

25 April, 2017

Scottish Welfare Fund awarded £26.1 million in grants in first nine months of 2016/2017

New statistics show that this represents an additional £1.8 million compared to the same period the previous year

21 April, 2017

Secretary of State sets out timetable for transfer of welfare powers to Scottish Government

Letter to Scottish Affairs Committee and Scottish Social Security Committee confirms legislative competence will transfer by May 2017

20 April, 2017

New rapid reclaim process for PIP claimants temporarily absent abroad for less than 12 months

DWP Minister says process will enable claimants to access benefit within two weeks of making a new claim on their return

20 April, 2017

Changes to support for those who lose entitlement to a Motability car when transferred to PIP

DWP Minister confirms extended access to Motability cars for up to six months for claimants not entitled to enhanced rate mobility component

20 April, 2017

Treatment of capital in a tax-free childcare account for the purposes of housing benefit

New housing benefit guidance

20 April, 2017

House of Commons rejects Lords’ proposal to make child benefit payable for apprentices

MPs vote by 298 votes to 182 against the change

20 April, 2017

Introduction of a two child limit for the purposes of universal credit, income support, jobseeker's allowance and housing benefit in Northern Ireland

New statutory rule

19 April, 2017

Government announces measures to provide 'additional support' to those in the work-related activity group

Minister confirms that the flexible support fund and the social fund are the 'only real route' for additional funding

12 April, 2017

Disability Rights UK calls on government to reform ‘disgraceful’ PIP mobility rules

Charity responds to report that more than 50,000 disabled people have had their Motability vehicles taken away since PIP was introduced

12 April, 2017

One in seven single parents are ‘hit with benefit sanctions’, says Gingerbread

New research also shows that lone parents are more likely to get their sanction overturned when challenged

12 April, 2017

Four years after it was introduced there are fewer than half a million people claimaing universal credit

New DWP statistics show that, of these, 38 per cent are in employment

11 April, 2017

Universal Jobmatch to stop allowing commercial job boards to upload vacancies in bulk

From 22 May 2017 only employers will be able to use Universal Jobmatch directly

11 April, 2017

Clear plan needed for transfer of social security powers from Westminster to Holyrood, say MPs

Scottish Affairs Committee and Scottish Social Security Committee also call for stronger dispute resolution processes between the two governments

7 April, 2017

DWP publishes equality analysis of cuts to universal credit housing costs for 18 to 21 year olds

Analysis includes finding that it is reasonable to prevent entitlement for disabled people waiting for a work capability assessment