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Welfare rights

1 July, 2020 Open access

More than four million people live in families experiencing ‘deep poverty’ while more than half of those are also in ‘persistent poverty’

New Social Metrics Commission report also warns that initial research on the economic and social impacts of COVID-19 show they are likely to be ‘profound’

1 July, 2020

Scottish Government launches independent advocacy service to help disabled people to access Social Security Scotland benefits

Support available, from initial application to re-determination and appeal, for disabled claimants who do not have someone else acting on their behalf

30 June, 2020 Open access

DWP confirms that people who are currently shielding due to being clinically extremely vulnerable will not be eligible for SSP on that basis from 1 August 2020

Government expects employers 'to do the right thing' to help their employees transition back to work safely, says Minister for Disabled People

30 June, 2020

Run-on of universal credit in assessment period that claimant reaches state pension age

New regulations issued in Great Britain and Northern Ireland

30 June, 2020 Open access

Number of new universal credit claims during week to 23 June 2020 fell by around 10 per cent on previous week’s total

However, new DWP statistics highlight that weekly number of new claims remains higher than in the weeks immediately preceding lockdown

30 June, 2020

NAO qualifies opinion on DWP accounts for 2019/2020 due to highest ever rate of overpayments

New report also warns that changes to DWP processes during coronavirus outbreak mean that rates of fraud and error are likely to increase in 2020/2021

30 June, 2020

Scottish Government publishes first statistics on young carer grant applications and awards

New figures show that almost 2,000 applications were received in period between the introduction of the grant in October 2019 and the end of April 2020

29 June, 2020 Open access

Conditionality and benefit sanctions to be reintroduced this week, Work and Pensions Secretary confirms

As jobcentres reopen, reinstatement of claimant commitment will form 'essential part of the contract to help people start to reconsider what vacancies there are'

29 June, 2020 Open access

Wages element of pensions triple lock will lead to ‘outsized’ growth of state pension over next two years, Resolution Foundation warns

New report says this year's slump in wage growth due to coronavirus, and expected significant increase next year, will lead to increase at three times faster than prices at annual additional cost of £3bn

29 June, 2020 Open access

Reopening jobcentres to the public could create a ‘perfect storm’, warns Public and Commercial Services Union

Any move to reinstate the jobcentre network beyond its emergency coronavirus provision now is premature while the threat from the virus remains, says Union

29 June, 2020

Labour Party seeks views to help shape its commitment to developing a ‘complete replacement’ for universal credit

Work, pensions and equality commission to consider whether a modern social security system should continue to be based on a single benefit covering both in-work and out-of-work support

26 June, 2020 Open access

Government issues further ‘Treasury Direction’ in relation to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

Made under provisions in the Coronavirus Act 2020, new Direction reflects changes announced by the Chancellor on 12 May 2020

26 June, 2020 Open access

Ministry of Justice confirms that video hearings are being made available across all Social Security and Child Support Tribunal regions

Minister advises that judges will determine if cases are suitable for video hearings, taking account of issues including the benefit under appeal and any difficulty the claimant has in using the technology

26 June, 2020 Open access

Citizens Advice research finds that almost 1.4 million people in UK are subject to ‘no recourse to public funds’ condition

Charity calls for condition to be lifted during coronavirus pandemic to avoid migrants facing 'impossible choices' concerning their health and that of their families

25 June, 2020

Government confirms it will not be challenging Court of Appeal judgment which found Secretary of State acted irrationally by failing to adapt earned income assessment rules in universal credit

Responding to an urgent question in the House of Commons today, Minister says Department is 'carefully considering possible solutions'

25 June, 2020 Open access

Incomes at the 10th percentile failed to increase in the five years to 2018/2019 as falls in benefit and tax credit income offset growth in employment incomes, says IFS

Even taking into account temporary benefit increases due to COVID-19, out-of-work households are 10 per cent poorer than they would have been without cuts applied since 2011

25 June, 2020 Open access

Social Care Staff Support Fund launched in Scotland to provide financial support to care workers facing income losses as a result of coronavirus

New statutory instrument includes eligibility conditions for payments from new Fund, including that workers must have lost income as a result of being ill with COVID-19 or while self-isolating

25 June, 2020 Open access

Minister confirms that benefit reviews and reassessments remain suspended while the government reviews what activity it can reintroduce in line with the latest public health advice

As temporary COVID-19 suspensions come to an end, Ministers had only previously said that new arrangements will be communicated 'as soon as possible'