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Welfare rights

24 April, 2024

DWP says that large overpayments of carer’s allowance have arisen where claims were made before HMRC income alerts were introduced

Department also tells Work and Pensions Committee that, while it will not comment on individual cases, 'what we see in the paper isn't always the whole picture'

24 April, 2024

Northern Ireland Department of Justice launches call for evidence on review of civil legal aid services in the region

Justice Minister says evidence and insight acquired will be used to identify and evaluate changes to 'better enable citizens' access to justice or to achieve value for money'

23 April, 2024

DWP has done nothing to stop carers building up huge overpayments of benefit despite knowing what people are earning

Highlighting the Department's access to real-time information from HMRC, Work and Pensions Committee Chair says that 'carrying on in that way is not right'

23 April, 2024

Work and Pensions Committee seeks views from DWP staff to inform its inquiry into Department’s approach to safeguarding vulnerable claimants

Survey of PCS Union members invites frontline staff to provide feedback on DWP’s safeguarding policies, practices and culture

23 April, 2024

New AET regulations introduced despite SSAC warning against increasing thresholds while gaps remain in the evidence base for their effectiveness

Rejecting Committee's advice for a slower or phased implementation, DWP says it is 'committed to providing more intensive support to in-work customers'

23 April, 2024

DWP issues guidance for local authorities participating in the Housing Benefit Award Accuracy Initiative in 2024/2025

New housing benefit circular advises on fraud and error activities that local authorities are expected to undertake in return for additional funding

23 April, 2024

DWP confirms allocation of £2.5 million to local authorities to support the administration of the Verify Earnings and Pensions service in 2024/2025   

New Subsidy Circular also sets out the amounts of the single upfront payments that each council will receive in 2024/2025

23 April, 2024

Department for Communities waived less than 100 official error overpayments between April 2021 and February 2024

Written answer in the Northern Ireland Assembly also confirms that almost 30,000 official error debts were recorded in the same period

22 April, 2024

Ending of the Work and Health Programme in the Autumn will leave a ‘big gap in provision’

New programmes will not help as many people, and those in some areas will have no support at all for a year, says ERSA

22 April, 2024

Government confirms that it will legislate to remove benefits from those who’ve been claiming for more than 12 months if they don’t comply with conditions set by their work coach

New legislation will change rules to remove benefits entirely from the long-term unemployed who ‘don’t accept available work'

22 April, 2024

Steady increase in Access to Work backlog is a result of a rise in volume of applications, says Work and Pensions Minister

DWP minister Mims Davies confirms in written answer to Parliament that number of applications outstanding has risen to almost 30,000

22 April, 2024

Scottish Government calls on DWP to stop treating student loans as income for benefit purposes

In a letter to DWP Minister, Cabinet Secretary highlights the impact the cost of living crisis is having on students and suggests that disregarding loans 'would very much support your Back to Work agenda by improving their long term job prospects'

19 April, 2024

Prime Minister announces plans for major reform of personal independence payment for those with mental health conditions

Measures to introduce a more 'objective and rigorous approach' set out as part of speech outlining 'moral mission' to remove barriers to work

19 April, 2024

Government to bring forward the transition of those on legacy ESA as part of acceleration of Move to UC process

Change, that will see all migration notices sent by the end of December 2025, will give people 'more access to the world of work', says Prime Minister

19 April, 2024

Further increase to Administrative Earnings Threshold following Prime Minister’s statement on ‘moral mission’ to get people back to work

New thresholds of £892 for individual claimants and £1,437 for couples come into effect from 13 May 2024

19 April, 2024

Government publishes consultation on reform of fit notes process to ‘better understand who needs additional support’

Views sought on plan to offer integrated employment and healthcare services to those seeking a fit note

19 April, 2024

Scottish Parliament votes against motion on a Bill to establish a Scottish Employment Injuries Advisory Council

Cabinet Secretary says that while the Scottish Government does not oppose the principle of a new body, it should be formed only once Social Security Scotland has responsibility for delivering employment injury assistance

18 April, 2024

Lawyers warn that government’s new ‘bank spying powers’ would breach privacy rights

Expert legal advice commissioned by civil liberties campaign group Big Brother Watch questions the lawfulness of measures included in the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill

18 April, 2024

Number of claimants assessed as having LCW instead of LCWRA following WCA reforms now expected to exceed 400,000

New DWP figures also estimate that the LCW caseload will reduce by more than 30,000 by 2028/2029, with these claimants instead falling within the intensive work search group of universal credit