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Welfare rights

29 June, 2005

Changes of address & the abolition of HB benefit periods

New rules to be introduced from April 2006

28 June, 2005

LSC urged to be a champion for advice within government

Citizens Advice call for support for the 'Access to Justice Alliance'

28 June, 2005

CPAG renews call for tax credit amnesty

'Paymaster General needs to go further and act faster'

23 June, 2005

Representing pensioners in their dealings with The Pension Service

New DWP research

23 June, 2005

Councils and housing associations should use welfare benefits advice to ensure that eviction of tena

New government guidance

23 June, 2005

Back-to-work help for less ‘job-ready’ claimants compromised by DWP funding structures

New DWP research

22 June, 2005

Reform of publicly funded legal assistance in Scotland

Scottish Executive launch consultation

22 June, 2005

Prime Minister apologises over tax credit failings

Government accepts problems are 'unacceptable' but resists calls for overpayments to be written off

22 June, 2005

Parliamentary Ombudsman calls for all tax credit overpayments to be written off

System has 'harsh and unfair consequences' for vulnerable claimants

22 June, 2005

DWP reports on progress towards meeting its Public Service Agreement targets

'Driving the government's programme for reforming the welfare state'

22 June, 2005

CSA chief executive to report in the summer on proposals for addressing the Agency’s long-running pr

Action as rollout of reforms delayed for more than 3 years

21 June, 2005

Help with NHS costs in Wales

New statutory instrument

21 June, 2005

DWP continues to miss pension credit take-up targets

New government figures

21 June, 2005

86% of tax credit complaints upheld in the claimant’s favour

Adjudicator's office annual report

20 June, 2005

Revenue achieves all its tax credit Service Delivery Agreement targets for 2004/2005

New government figures

17 June, 2005

Scottish councils collect record amount of council tax

New figures from the Scottish Executive

17 June, 2005

Habitual residence & Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v Bhakta

New DWP guidance

17 June, 2005

DWP to improve its benefits debt collection service

Action following critical Benefit Fraud Inspectorate report

17 June, 2005

Appeals Service looks forward to ‘a significant and exciting milestone’ in its history

2005/2006 Appeals Service Business Plan