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Welfare rights

14 November, 2005

Civil partnerships and benefits

New statutory instruments

11 November, 2005

Treasury Committee inquiry into tax credit administration

Evidence invited from interested parties

11 November, 2005

Stability needed in the housing benefit regime if councils are to cut benefit administration costs

New Audit Commission report identifies potential for councils to save £140m a year

11 November, 2005

Graduated retirement benefit and civil partnerships (Northern Ireland)

New statutory rule

10 November, 2005

DWP considers separating out DLA & AA administration

Move would help staff 'get in tune' with supporting people into work

9 November, 2005

Retirement pension, graduated retirement benefit and civil partnerships

New statutory instrument

9 November, 2005

Delivering better quality services with reduced resources

Social Security Agency in Northern Ireland issues its annual report and accounts for 2004/2005

9 November, 2005

CPAG welcomes publication of the Childcare Bill

But more needs to done to encourage take-up of the childcare element of working tax credit

8 November, 2005

Vaccine damage payments and civil partnerships

New statutory instrument

8 November, 2005

Social fund maternity and funeral expenses payments

New statutory instrument

7 November, 2005

Phasing out payment of working tax credit via employers

New rules introduced today will save employers more than £100m a year

7 November, 2005

Pensions reform should reward the crucial work done by parents and carers

Equal Opportunities Commission urges Secretary of State to act

7 November, 2005

Incapacity benefit reforms are not part of a ‘cuts agenda’

But government confirms that incentives in the system will be removed

4 November, 2005

Upper age limit for statutory sick pay to be removed

Government announcement

4 November, 2005

DWP scales down and delays plans for testing latest New Deal reforms

Decision follows 'extremely tight financial settlement'

4 November, 2005

Civil partnerships and benefits

New statutory instruments

3 November, 2005

Whether work is a practical or suitable option for carers

New DWP paper on partners with caring responsibilities

3 November, 2005

Treatment of adoption allowances in the assessment of housing benefit

New DWP guidance

3 November, 2005

Landlords reluctant to let to tenants reliant on the local housing allowance

New DWP research