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Welfare rights

25 August, 2022

DWP to ‘invite’ 250 legacy benefit claimants in Northumberland to move to universal credit from mid-September 2022

DWP adds that it will 'discuss the latest progress' with stakeholders at its next Engagement Event

25 August, 2022

Government confirms that most tax credit claimants will receive a £326 cost of living payment between 2 and 7 September 2022

First instalment of £650 payment from HMRC to follow payment having been made to recipients of DWP benefits in July 2022

25 August, 2022

Office for Statistics Regulation urges DWP to expedite assessment of whether it is able to produce universal credit WCA statistics

Letter to DWP's Chief Statistician expresses disappointment that Department is 'tolerating this significant data gap' given wealth of data around need for transparency on WCA outcomes

25 August, 2022

Low-income renters in England facing ‘housing black hole’ due to widening gap between rents and local housing allowance

Crisis calls for government to 'urgently invest in housing benefit' in light of research showing that less than one in eight properties are now affordable to poorest households

25 August, 2022

Welsh MPs urge UK Government to revisit its ‘unjustified’ decision to exclude many disabled people from the £650 cost of living payment

Letter to Chancellor and Work and Pensions Secretary raises particular concerns for PIP and DLA claimants who are only eligible for ‘pitiful’ £150 payment

23 August, 2022

Disability cost of living payments to be issued from 20 September 2022

DWP confirms that £150 will be paid automatically and the vast majority of those eligible should receive it 'by the beginning of October'

22 August, 2022

WASPI campaign seeks legal advice in light of Parliamentary Ombudsman’s update on investigation into complaints about communication of changes to women’s state pension age

Confidential and provisional second stage report issued to complainants, MPs, DWP and ICE for comment ahead of final publication

22 August, 2022

Government confirms it will not proceed with plans to broaden National Fraud Initiative data matching powers in England

Response to consultation advises that the decision is in line with the government’s commitment to doing more to prevent and detect fraud and that fraud will remain the focus of the NFI in coming years

22 August, 2022

Adult disability payment and severe disability premium while in hospital or similar institution, care home or legal detention

DWP issues guidance on transfers to and new claims for the new disability benefit in Scotland

19 August, 2022

DWP Permanent Secretary reports ‘significant reduction’ in number of claimants expected to take part in Restart employment programme

However, updated Accounting Officer Assessment concludes that, despite number of expected participants falling from more than one million to around 700,000, programme will still deliver value for money

18 August, 2022

Upper Tribunal Administrative Appeals Chamber President issues guidance note on taking evidence by video or telephone from people located abroad

Guidance issued in response to recent judicial consideration of the issue in the Upper Tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chamber case of Agbabiaka

18 August, 2022

National Fraud Initiative in Scotland identified housing benefit overpayments amounting to £1.2 million in 2020/2021

Audit Scotland confirms that reduction from £2.8 million identified in 2018/2019 is due to omission of matches between payroll or pensions and housing benefit which are now carried out by DWP's VEP Alerts service

17 August, 2022

Ombudsman ‘hugely disappointed’ in DWP’s response to recommendation that it should proactively consider compensation for all claimants who were underpaid ESA on transfer from incapacity benefits

Department's failings likely to have impacted on many vulnerable people, says PHSO's Chief Executive Officer

16 August, 2022

Universal credit sanction rate now more than double its pre-pandemic level

New DWP statistics also show that almost 60,000 adverse decisions were made in March 2022, a substantial increase from the 38,000 decisions made in January 2022

16 August, 2022

More than half of universal credit claimants who are in work are subject to work-related requirements

New DWP statistics also show that, while the number of people claiming the benefit rose exponentially at the start of the pandemic, it has remained relatively stable since then

15 August, 2022

DWP to ‘invite’ 250 legacy benefit claimants in the London Borough of Harrow to move to universal credit from mid-August

However, DWP adds that it does not expect to have any further announcements on 'discovery locations' over the summer

15 August, 2022

Real value of universal credit has been ‘on a rollercoaster’ with its value not expected to reach pre-pandemic levels again until April 2024

Deficiency in uprating methodology has created a 'policy headache', and government would do well to shift to increasing benefits using a more recent measure of inflation, says IFS

15 August, 2022 Open access

Growing evidence supports prescription of Covid-19 as an industrial disease

TUC says government's failure to compensate workers in high-risk occupations is ‘out of step’ with current data and policy responses of other countries

12 August, 2022

Government needs to make urgent ‘pandemic style’ policy interventions to protect jobs and incomes during the cost of living crisis

TUC launches plan for action that includes recommendations to bring forward benefit and minimum wage uprating to October 2022 and to cancel the increase in the energy cap