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Welfare rights
(HB & CTB)

17 December, 2019

Whether EU law provides for a ‘secondary’ right to reside as primary carer of under school age child where primary carer is not a family member of other parent

AM v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and another (JSA, IS and HB)
[2019] UKUT 361 (AAC)
Reported as [2020] AACR 17
CJSA/1637/2017, CIS/1888/2017 and CH/1889/2017

15 November, 2019

Link between provisions relating to ineligible service charges and definition of exempt accommodation / consideration of what constitutes 'general counselling or ... any other support services'

Allerdale BC v JD and others (by their respective appointees) (HB)
[2019] UKUT 304 (AAC)
CH/28/2019, CH/31/2019, CH/34/2019 and CH/36/2019

13 November, 2019

Supreme Court rules that local authority decision makers, the First-tier Tribunal and the Upper Tribunal have power to disapply secondary legislation where it is in breach of Convention rights

RR (AP) (Appellant) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Respondent)
Reported as [2020] AACR 7
[2019] UKSC 52