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Welfare rights

31 May, 2019

570,000 claimants repaying tax credit debt through universal credit

New DWP statistics for 30 April 2019

31 May, 2019

Increased take up and wider eligibility rules for Scotland’s devolved benefits pose substantial risks to Scottish Budget

Scottish Fiscal Commission also warns that Scottish Government will need to meet additional costs of its policy commitments for devolved benefits

30 May, 2019

Past presence test for disability and carer’s benefits

New DWP guidance

30 May, 2019

Mixed-age couples and entitlement to means-tested benefits

New DWP Memos include guidance on when mixed-age couples are restricted from claiming universal credit

30 May, 2019

88 per cent of Work and Health Programme participants have not had a ‘job outcome’

New DWP statistics show job outcomes - work of six months at minimum wage levels or in self-employment - for the first time

30 May, 2019

Average household income of poorest 20 per cent fell in 2017/2018 mainly due to fall in value of benefits

New statistics from the ONS also show that while cash benefits reduce income inequality, their effect has diminished over the last seven years

30 May, 2019

Whether bereavement benefits can be paid to surviving partner of religious marriage not recognised in England and Wales


29 May, 2019

Z2K makes formal complaint to Advertising Standards Authority over DWP universal credit PR campaign

Adverts are 'deliberately misleading and propagandist' and put people at risk of serious harm, says charity

29 May, 2019

DWP publishes ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ between itself and the Scottish Fiscal Commission

Purpose of MoU is to facilitate information sharing to allow Commission to produce accurate forecasts of social security expenditure

29 May, 2019

From 31 May 2019 all new PIP claimants who would have been scheduled for review after reaching pension age will receive an ongoing award

DWP advises that policy will be extended to existing PIP claimants above pension age in the coming months

29 May, 2019

Pregnancy and baby payment will not affect immigration status of under 18 asylum seekers in Scotland

Scottish Government reaches agreement with UK Government that Best Start grant payment will be excluded from list of restricted public funds

29 May, 2019

More than 10,000 people joined devolved employment service Fair Start Scotland in its first year up to March 2019

New Scottish Government statistics also show that 930 people enrolled on the Health & Work Support pilot launched in June 2018

29 May, 2019

Tribunal failed to give adequate consideration to seeking medical evidence from DLA award in PIP transfer case


28 May, 2019

DWP confirms landlords can use implicit consent to discuss universal credit housing costs claims

New landlord engagement newsletter also advises that landlord portal now covers 96 per cent of social rented housing

24 May, 2019

Select Committee hears evidence that universal credit is 'causing more women to go into prostitution'

Organisations supporting sex workers highlight that 'any disruption in revenue for people who are in poverty will cause harm'

24 May, 2019

More than a third of Independent Assessment Services reports required feedback, amendment or were ‘unacceptable’ in 2018/2019

Minister provides figures for the grading of audited personal independence payment assessments

24 May, 2019

More than half of DLA claimants in receipt of the mobility component had the amount reduced or stopped on reassessment to PIP

Minister confirms that figures are prior to reconsideration or appeal

24 May, 2019

Universal credit claimants given access to details of children held on their account when reporting changes

New edition of Touchbase says the change will improve accuracy and make it easier to report changes