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Welfare rights

17 June, 2019

DWP announces policy change to allow SMI loan balances to be transferred to a new home

New rules will also apply to those who previously received support but who are no longer claiming benefits

17 June, 2019

Number of households receiving council tax reduction in Scotland has fallen by almost 14 per cent since start of scheme

New statistics for 2018/2019 provide data on recipients by age, household structure, income sources and employment status

14 June, 2019

Less than 60 per cent of universal credit claimants with childcare element paid on time and in full in first assessment period

DWP figures for February 2019 also show that 73 per cent of those with LCWRA element and 81 per cent of those with disabled child element paid in time and in full

14 June, 2019

UK Government confirms it is seeking to enter reciprocal agreements with EU Member States to protect social security rights

DWP aims to seek agreements that will 'maintain existing rights for a transitional period until 31 December 2020 in a no deal scenario'

14 June, 2019

HMRC failing to consider guidance on when not to recover tax credits overpayments resulting from incorrect advice, Adjudicator finds

Annual report on HMRC complaints also criticises tax credits complaints handling culture as ‘defensive’ and ‘lacking customer focus’

14 June, 2019

MPs call for reform of the 'destitution domestic violence concession' for migrant women applying for indefinite leave to remain

Joint Committee on the Draft Domestic Abuse Bill asks government to extend temporary concession and ensure that 'all of these vulnerable victims of crime can access protection and support'

14 June, 2019

Scottish Government must act urgently to introduce Income Supplement to help reduce child poverty

Joseph Rowntree Foundation also says design and delivery of Supplement should maximise take up and focus on those in deepest poverty

13 June, 2019

Social security systems across UK failing survivors of violence and abuse, says Women’s Budget Group

New report concludes that cuts to social security since 2010, alongide cuts to specialist services, are undermining government's commitment to tackling domestic abuse

13 June, 2019

PIP and ESA appeal success rate increases to 74 per cent

New Ministry of Justice statistics also highlight that average success rate across all benefit appeals increased from 66 to 70 per cent compared to last year

13 June, 2019

Number of ESA mandatory reconsideration registrations continues to fall

New DWP statistics show drop to 6,800 in April 2019 from peak of 22,000 in March 2017

13 June, 2019

PIP entitlement, revisions and supersessions for DLA transfer claimants who claim PIP after reaching 65 or pension age

New regulations issued in Great Britain and Northern Ireland

13 June, 2019

NAWRA urges DWP not to recover fraudulently obtained universal credit advances from claimants who have been victims of fraud

Letter to Work and Pensions Secretary following reports that claimants are being targeted by loan companies who offer help in claiming a 'government grant' and then keep substantial amount of advance for themselves

13 June, 2019

Tribunal should have considered redetermining PIP appeal after setting aside invalid supersession decision


12 June, 2019

Almost 50,000 PIP transfer claims from former child DLA claimants disallowed in period up to January 2019

DWP Minister also advises that in comparison around 77,000 transfer claims were successful in the same period

12 June, 2019

Housing element of universal credit should be paid to landlords by default, Scottish Social Security Committee recommends

Social Security Support for Housing report says measure would help address the ‘rapid increase in rent arrears since the introduction of universal credit’

12 June, 2019

Period over which to average fluctuating earnings for purposes of ESA permitted work rules

CE/870/2018, CE/871/2018 and CE/874/2018

12 June, 2019

Eligibility for Healthy Start benefits for pension credit claimants in Northern Ireland

New statutory rule

11 June, 2019

44 per cent of universal credit full service claims have deduction to repay advance

Employment Minister provides data for February 2019

11 June, 2019

85 per cent of overpayments where DWP agreed to reduce repayment rate were caused by official error

Employment Minister also confirms that more than half of overpayments where recovery rate reduced arose through other benefits not being taken into account