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Welfare rights

8 July, 2019

DWP developing ‘estimated award tool’ to help claimants understand their potential universal credit award

Minister’s written answer advises that system improvement will also enable an indicative New Claim Advance value to be produced

8 July, 2019

DWP recognises link between changes to welfare and increased use of foodbanks, says Department for Communities Permanent Secretary

In evidence to Select Committees, Tracy Meharg says that 'what we are saying is that there is a link. There is an increase'

8 July, 2019

Amount which can be deducted from benefits towards child maintenance arrears to increase from £1.20 to £8.40 a week

New regulations also extend deductions for arrears to all of the benefits from which deductions can be made for ongoing maintenance

8 July, 2019

Basic condition of being in Great Britain can be met with a right to reside that falls outside situations in regulation 9(4) of the Universal Credit Regulations 2013


8 July, 2019

New data matching rule to be introduced to reduce duplication of housing benefit and universal credit housing costs payments

DWP issues guidance to local authorities

5 July, 2019

Government has 'wilfully missed the point' on universal credit managed migration tests

Response to report on managed migration 'wholly fails to address' calls for tests of readiness to be set before pilot begins, says Work and Pensions Committee

5 July, 2019

Urgent parliamentary question seeks clarification of DWP's policy for retaining and sharing documents relating to deaths of social security claimants

DWP response confirms it no longer has record of peer reviews and coroners' reports requested by or shared with WCA independent reviewers

5 July, 2019

Tribunal should not have relied exclusively on claimant's ability to drive when assessing PIP mobility activity 1 / effect of conflict between decision notice and statement of reasons


4 July, 2019

12 per cent of mixed-age couples will have to wait ten or more additional years to claim pension credit under new benefit rules

New analysis from the IFS also finds that 70 per cent of couples have age differences that lead to two years or more additional wait

4 July, 2019

Almost two thirds of Youth Obligation participants who complete their 'journey' are going into work

DWP publishes new statistics on 'intensive support' provided to 18-21 year-olds making a claim for universal credit

4 July, 2019

More than 400,000 cases have been reviewed since start of review exercise following Upper Tribunal decisions relating to PIP mobility activity 1

DWP management information also says that 3,500 arrears payments have been made to qualifying claimants

3 July, 2019

IPPR calls on government to reverse benefit cuts and reform the ‘now toxic’ universal credit

New report puts forward alternative to austerity based on greater state investment in four social deficits, including the 'security deficit'

3 July, 2019

Current legal definition for terminal illness is unfit for purpose, says APPG

UK Government should follow the Scottish Government and remove the 'arbitrary and outdated' six month time limit

3 July, 2019

JRF calls for increased universal credit childcare allowances to help families towards a Minimum Income Standard

New report also finds that, even with National Living Wage increases, higher living costs and real-terms cuts to in-work benefits are holding people back from reaching acceptable standard of living

3 July, 2019

Amendment of social security legislation consequent upon the introduction of Scotland’s funeral expense assistance and early years assistance

New statutory instrument

3 July, 2019

Whether recoverable overpayment amount should be limited to the particular ‘material fact’ that is not properly disclosed


2 July, 2019

More than twice as many home visits were carried out for PIP assessments in Wales and the Midlands as in the South of England last year

Minister confirms that this is 'due to the supplier business model'

2 July, 2019

Claimants who lose eligibility for Motability on transfer from DLA to PIP will receive £1,000

Minister confirms that Motability will also be providing support via Access to Work and the Family Fund

2 July, 2019

Where claimant is convicted of fraud and only asset is their home, DWP will not instigate court proceedings to recover from that asset

Secretary of State says this is 'proportional response' as claimant will not have to subsequently claim housing benefit