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Welfare rights

29 August, 2019

Half of those helped into work via the Steps 2 Success programme in Northern Ireland sustained the employment for 12 months

However, new Department for Communities statistics show that the number moving into employment has fallen from 39 per cent three years ago to 27 per cent last year

29 August, 2019

New online application for direct rent payment to be introduced for universal credit

New landlord engagement letter advises service will be available to social landlords not on portal and private landlords

29 August, 2019

Tax credit claimants who fail the strengthened ‘self-employment check’ are often managing by borrowing from family or making more use of a credit card

New research published by HMRC finds that people generally did not increase their revenue to make up for the income shortfall, appeal the decision or plan to apply for working tax credit again

29 August, 2019

Almost a quarter of individuals referred to the Work and Health Programme did not make a start on the programme

New DWP statistics also show that, of those who have started, 12 per cent achieved a job outcome

29 August, 2019

Unstable working hours and zero hours contracts are contributing to tax credit ‘customer errors’

New research published by HMRC highlights barriers to reporting changes of circumstance faced by those with 'fluctuating schedules'

29 August, 2019

Mobility component of PIP is a special non-contributory cash benefit for the purposes of Regulation (EC) 883/2004


28 August, 2019

Almost 37,000 households were claiming universal credit in Northern Ireland as at 31 May 2019

New statistics also show that ten per cent were working with light touch conditionality applied

28 August, 2019

65 per cent of those referred to Fair Start Scotland chose to join the service in the quarter to June 2019

New statistics from the Scottish Government show that this has increased from 48 per cent in the service's first quarter a year ago

28 August, 2019

78 per cent of DLA reassessment claims awarded PIP in Northern Ireland

New statistics for three year period since PIP was introduced also show that 47 per cent of new claims resulted in an award

28 August, 2019

Introduction of funeral expense assistance and carer’s assistance in Scotland

New statutory instrument

27 August, 2019

Claimants migrated to universal credit as part of ‘Move to UC’ pilot are being offered a hardship payment to ‘mimic the upcoming run-ons’

Director General of Universal Credit Programme also confirms that claimants can extend migration notice deadline 'should they wish to'

27 August, 2019

Three out of five private sector identity providers notify GDS of intention to withdraw from Gov.UK Verify

Computer Weekly reports that Experian, Barclays and Secure Identity have notified their intention not to take on registrations after March 2020 when public funding for scheme ceases

27 August, 2019

Scottish Government has paid out £6.7 million in respect of its new Early Learning Payments and School Age Payments

Payments form part of the Best Start Grant package which has also paid £6.1 million for Pregnancy and Baby Payments since December 2018

23 August, 2019

Universal credit causing private sector tenants to fall behind with rent, says Resident Landlords Association

New research finds that more than half of landlords with tenants on universal credit experienced those tenants going into rent arrears

23 August, 2019

DWP issues guidance on Court of Appeal bedroom tax judgment in Hockley

Urgent Bulletin advises housing benefit staff to follow judgment which found that claimant's circumstances should not be taken into account when assessing whether a room counts as a bedroom

22 August, 2019

Secretary of State confirms she is ‘content’ with Scottish Government’s proposal to suspend ‘managed migration’ from DLA to PIP until disability benefits are devolved

However, Amber Rudd also stresses that replacement for PIP must be ready by early 2021 as DWP will not provide PIP assessments in Scotland after that date

22 August, 2019

Ombudsman launches council tax reduction good practice guidance for local authorities

Recommendations include having clear discretionary relief policies and improving recovery decision making practices

21 August, 2019

DWP’s universal credit website suggests claimants search for work as striptease artists or fortune tellers

First highlighted in the rightsnet forum, DWP says information is 'inappropriate' and was 'mistakenly listed'

21 August, 2019

Work and Pensions Secretary rules out rise in state pension age to 75

Responding to call from Centre for Social Justice, Amber Rudd confirms that there are no plans to revise current policy of increasing pension age to 68 by 2046