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Welfare rights

4 September, 2019

Lone parents on a reasonable wage cannot reach a minimum acceptable living standard even if they work full time

New report from CPAG highlights that lone parents have been disproportionately affected by cuts to universal credit, tax credits and the benefits freeze

4 September, 2019

DWP updates guidance on late reporting of childcare costs in universal credit and when reimbursement can be considered

Amendment to August 2019 Touchbase says late reported costs will be considered if good reason is accepted, backtracking on previously stated 30 day automatic grace period

4 September, 2019

Total value of housing benefit overpayments outstanding in Great Britain follows decreasing trend for first time

However, new DWP statistics highlight that total overpayments have reduced by only one per cent and stood at more than £2bn at January 2019

3 September, 2019

Scottish Government and DWP identify ‘potential way forward’ in reflecting individual circumstances in universal credit split payments

Social Security Secretary for Scotland provides update following DWP's initial rejection of Scottish Government’s policy proposals

3 September, 2019

Scottish Goverment confirms introduction of Scottish Child Payment to be brought forward to Christmas 2020

New Programme for Government 2019/2020 also outlines that first Job Start Payments will be made in spring 2020

3 September, 2019

Scottish Government proposes use of CPI inflation measure to uprate devolved social security assistance

Report to Social Security Committee warns that if a different uprating measure was agreed in the Scottish Parliament this may 'jeopardise the safe and secure transfer of benefits'

3 September, 2019

Ending freeze on LHA rates and increasing investment would generate more than £2 billion net benefits in three years

New report from Crisis also highlights that LHA reform has the potential to prevent more than 6,000 households from being pushed into homelessness

3 September, 2019

Parliamentary focus on Brexit has contributed to a significant decline in the number of draft social security regulations being presented to SSAC for scrutiny

Committee highlights that the volume of regulations that came its way in the last year amounted to just a quarter of the number in 2016/2017

2 September, 2019

Almost half of benefit claimants are going without essentials, causing loss of sleep and mental health problems, says Citizens Advice

Charity calls on government to urgently end the benefit freeze and recalculate LHAs to re-establish the link with rents

2 September, 2019

DWP has made payments to 6,315 claimants who were previously entitled to a severe disability premium but lost out on their migration to universal credit

New government statistics highlight that more than £16m has been paid out so far, with average lump-sum payments of more than £2,000

2 September, 2019

Government commits to uprating UK state pension for claimants living in EU for three years in the event of a no deal Brexit

Uprating beyond 2023 will be subject to successful negotiation of new arrangements with the EU

2 September, 2019

DWP launches new ‘Find a Job’ flexible work search as part of campaign to support parents into work

Work and Pensions Secretary says she wants people to know she is supporting them to find work that fits in with their parenting commitments

2 September, 2019

Tax credits claimants have low awareness of dispute resolution processes and get inconsistent level of support when accessing helpline

Newly published research from HMRC also finds that acknowledgment of error and stress caused by tax credits issues is more important to claimant satisfaction than a successful outcome

2 September, 2019

Reluctance to change habits and negative expectations act as a barrier to tax credit customers using online channel to renew claims

However, newly published research from HMRC indicates that those using the service found it easier and faster than expected

30 August, 2019

Self-employed EU national did not need to be earning enough to pay national insurance contributions to be ‘gainfully employed’


30 August, 2019

Tax credit claimants who were late in reporting a partner were either unaware of rules on joint claims or waited until they felt change was permanent

New research by Ipsos MORI on behalf of HMRC recommends making definitions clearer and advising claimants of range of circumstances that would lead to a joint claim

30 August, 2019

Changes to the tax credits ‘High Risk Renewals’ process has positively impacted on claimants

New research concludes that new process supports claimants in engaging with HMRC and is an improvement on previous years’ experiences

29 August, 2019

Design of universal credit combined with inadequate LHA rates is pushing families into hardship, rent arrears and homelessness

Making a series of recommendations, Shelter says that if the problems were rectified, universal credit programme could make a 'historical difference'

29 August, 2019

DWP issues new guidance on the universal credit managed migration pilot

New 'Advice for decision making' chapter covers the migration process, termination of existing awards and transitional protection