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Welfare rights

22 June, 2021 Open access

Work and Pensions Secretary announces extension of Covid Local Support Grant to 30 September 2021

Written statement to parliament also confirms that local authorities in England will receive additional funding of £160 million

22 June, 2021 Open access

Number of council tax reduction recipients in Scotland peaked at more than half a million in early months of Covid-19 outbreak

Largest increase occurred in April and May 2020 as economic effects of the pandemic began to bite

21 June, 2021 Open access

Majority of self-isolation grant applications in England are still being turned down despite recently increased funding

TUC warns that reopening of workplaces along with new Covid variants could once again expose the failings of the self-isolation support scheme and ‘measly’ sick pay

21 June, 2021

DWP confirms it has started to reintroduce claimant commitments for ESA claimants

Claimants of new-style ESA have been required to accept a commitment since 26 April 2021, and conditionality will be gradually reintroduced for all other ESA claimants from 28 June 2021

18 June, 2021

DWP advises that new exemptions from LHA shared accommodation rate for victims of domestic violence and modern slavery will take time to implement

Minister highlights that more significant legislative changes and IT upgrades will be needed than was the case before expanded care leaver and homeless hostel exemptions were introduced

18 June, 2021

New exercise to identify ‘dual payments’ of severe disability premium and carer’s allowance likely to result in large overpayments, says DWP

New edition of LA Welfare Direct advises decision makers of new Housing Benefit Matching Service rule, with referrals to start from 21 June 2021

17 June, 2021

Chair of Independent Review of Administrative Law says that government ‘perhaps put a certain gloss’ on Review’s conclusions in framing its consultation on judicial review reform

Lord Faulks also tells Human Rights Committee that he would have preferred government to have disagreed with conclusions rather than recasting them 'in a way which isn't entirely reflective of what we said'

17 June, 2021

Communities Minister updates MLAs on efforts to progress legislation to extend existing welfare mitigation in Northern Ireland

Minister confirms she has written to the Executive seeking agreement to bring further legislation to the Assembly ‘without delay’

17 June, 2021

Front-loaded Child Benefit Bill receives its first reading in the House of Lords

Private Members' Bill seeks to vary the rate of child benefit so that a higher rate is paid during a child's early years and a reduced rate when they are older

16 June, 2021

Court of Session rules that provision for refugees to make a backdated claim for tax credits from the date they sought asylum to 31 January 2019 continues to apply

Petition of Ali Adnan and Mrs Saima Adnan for judicial review [2021] ScotCS CSOH_63

16 June, 2021

MoJ announces that selected court and tribunal judgments will be published by The National Archives from April 2022

Government also confirms long-term plan for all sources of court publications, including BAILII, to migrate to new platform

16 June, 2021

DWP confirms that all employment-inspired National Insurance number requests can now be made online

Pensions Minister advises that new service has been available since 28 April 2021

15 June, 2021

Permission granted for judicial review of regulations preventing disabled students claiming universal credit

Leigh Day reports that 18-year-old disabled student will challenge regulations on grounds that they are discriminatory, irrational and in breach of public sector equality duty

15 June, 2021

Identification of universal credit claimants who need their monthly-paid wages assigned to a different assessment period will be automated in mid-summer 2021

DWP Minister advises that until then a streamlined dispute process exists where claimants 'simply need to tell their work coach if they think they are affected'

15 June, 2021

Commitment to run a basic income pilot included in Welsh Government’s new five-year policy Programme

Policy proposals also include commitment to expand income maximisation work and the Single Advice Fund

15 June, 2021

Welsh Affairs Committee launches inquiry to examine the benefits system in Wales as Covid-19 support schemes draw to a close

Views invited on questions including whether devolution of social security responsibilities are needed, and the potential implications of the Welsh Government's planned Universal Basic Income pilot

15 June, 2021

DWP ‘responds positively’ to requests for universal credit split payments, says Minister

Written answer in parliament also confirms that larger percentage of split payment is allocated to person with primary caring responsibilities, such as childcare

15 June, 2021

New claims for PIP are at their highest level since its introduction in April 2013

New DWP statistics also show highest number of reported changes of circumstance since PIP began