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Welfare rights

10 February, 2022

DWP sets out details of plan to enable debt management ‘customers’ to self-serve in managing their financial transactions and enquiries online

Invitation to tender says that need arises in part as a result of an expected sharp rise in claimant debt accounts held by the Department in the coming years

10 February, 2022

All jobcentre computers provided for use by claimants have now been upgraded to include standard accessibility features

Minister also confirms that additional items are available on request such as a keyboard with larger keys and a large trackball mouse

10 February, 2022

Need for a man in his early sixties to have to make a claim for a winter fuel payment when a woman of the same age would receive an automatic award on her claiming state pension does not constitute indirect discrimination

JE v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (SF)
[2022] UKUT 12 (AAC)

9 February, 2022

Way to Work regulations were introduced under ‘urgency procedure’ as delay could have impacted on DWP’s target to get half a million people into jobs by June 2022

However, Chair of SSAC questions Secretary of State on both the necessity of, and urgency for, the regulations

9 February, 2022

DWP confirms it is expanding its Health Transformation Programme into selected Birmingham postcodes

Minister advises that Department has already begun handling WCA cases from B14, B17, B19 and B78, and plans to include PIP cases from the same postcodes from Spring 2022

9 February, 2022

Work and Pensions Secretary welcomes opening of new temporary jobcentres following closure of more than 100 permanent ones between 2016 and 2018

Closure programme had aimed to offer a 'more efficient service while delivering good value for the taxpayer', but Dr Coffey says that jobcentres 'are crucial to get people into work, and will help level up opportunity across the country'

9 February, 2022

Government launches consultation on the second state pension age review

Call for evidence seeks views on what metrics should be considered when setting the state pension age

9 February, 2022

Two-stage independent review of Scottish adult disability payment will be commenced later this year

Scottish Government confirms that first stage will focus on mobility rules, including the 20 metre rule, and will look at others ways to consider how a person's mobility is affected by their disability or long term health condition

9 February, 2022

More than 700,000 households in receipt of the housing element of universal credit have rent that exceeds their LHA

DWP administrative data also shows that more than half a million households have a monthly shortfall of £100 or more

8 February, 2022

Court of Appeal confirms that provision for refugees to make a backdated child tax credit claim from the date they sought asylum continues to apply where that date was before the introduction of full service universal credit

DK, R (On the Application Of) v HM Revenue and Customs [2022] EWCA Civ 120

8 February, 2022

Reduction of period during which limitations on a jobseeker’s work-related requirements are permitted from three months to four weeks

New statutory instrument is made under 'urgency provisions' and DWP says it will 'undertake Social Security Advisory Committee engagement retrospectively'

8 February, 2022

Work and Pensions Secretary confirms DWP is appointing ‘progression champions’ to help people out of low-paid work

Role will include making connections between employers, local authorities and skills providers and collaborating with work coaches 'to support each and every claimant to progress'

8 February, 2022

House of Commons approves Social Security Benefits Up-rating Order 2022

MPs vote in favour of Order, which increases state pensions and benefits by 3.1 per cent from April 2022, by 298 votes to 29

8 February, 2022

Regulations that close ‘loopholes’ in the bedroom tax and benefit cap welfare mitigation schemes passed by Northern Ireland Assembly

Communities Minister says expansion of the mitigation package is an important step to protect those most in need

8 February, 2022

DWP confirms that it has agreed on the data it needs to provide to the Scottish Government to support the roll out of Scottish child payment for children aged six and over

Minister also tells Scottish Affairs Committee that 'development of the technical solution is underway', with plan on track to meet Scottish Government's delivery timetable

7 February, 2022

New Appointed Intermediary Service for vulnerable court and tribunal users to start in April 2022

HMCTS says intermediaries will provide specialist communication support to enable users to participate in a hearing

7 February, 2022

Amendments to eligibility rules for industrial injuries disablement benefit in Scotland in respect of Dupuytren’s contracture

New statutory instrument

7 February, 2022

Transfer of rate relief schemes for owner occupiers in Northern Ireland from the Department of Finance to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive

New statutory rule

7 February, 2022

Payments under the Energy Payment Support Scheme in Northern Ireland to begin in March 2022

New statutory rule