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Welfare rights

21 March, 2005

Working tax credit & the extension of eligible childcare

New statutory instrument

21 March, 2005

Welfare food amendments

New statutory instrument

21 March, 2005

Transfer to child tax credit of remaining families in receipt of income support/JSA

New statutory instruments

21 March, 2005

The Gender Recognition Act & national insurance contributions

New statutory instrument

21 March, 2005

Tax credits and civil partnerships

New statutory instrument

21 March, 2005

Industrial injuries benefit & child increases

New statutory instrument

21 March, 2005

DWP and local authorities sharing claimant AA/DLA information

New Green Paper on adult social care

21 March, 2005

Benefit uprating 2005/2006

New statutory instrument

18 March, 2005

Non-dependant deduction - ‘normally resides with’ / retrospective effect of award of DLA


18 March, 2005

Numbers claiming incapacity benefits fall, and new pathways to work results ‘very encouraging’

New government figures

18 March, 2005

Inland Revenue ‘act as judge and jury’ in relation to tax credit overpayments

New briefing from the the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group

17 March, 2005

Backdated increase for spouse where original claim form missing


17 March, 2005

Retirement pension deferrals

New statutory instrument

17 March, 2005

Howker, incapacity for work & ‘exceptional circumstances’

Government withdraws draft regulations

17 March, 2005

Errors, rather than fraud, cause the majority of housing benefit overpayments

New DWP figures

17 March, 2005

Budget 2005 reaction

CPAG, Age Concern, One Parent Families & LGA responses

17 March, 2005

Benefits and support in residential care in Wales

New statutory instruments

17 March, 2005

Atos Origin successful in bid to continue running DWP Medical Services

Ten year, £666 million contract awarded