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Welfare rights

19 February, 2007

Failure to invest in support for disabled people is driving millions into poverty

New patterns of widening inequality and disadvantage being created says Disability Rights Commission

16 February, 2007

Only half the DWP’s senior civil servants think the Department is well managed

Ineffective leadership highlighted in Senior Civil Service Survey 2006

16 February, 2007

Independent complaints service to be introduced across the whole of the DWP

Government announcement

15 February, 2007

Whether Secretary of State entitled to offset arrears due against a non-recoverable overpayment for another period

[2007] EWCA Civ 89

15 February, 2007

Impact on work incentives of disregarding child support

New DWP research

15 February, 2007

Compensation recovery and asbestos-related diseases

New statutory instrument

14 February, 2007

UK bottom of the list of world’s richest countries for children’s material well-being

CPAG calls for extra investment to combat child poverty following new UNICEF report

12 February, 2007

Entitlement of pre-operative male-to-female transsexual


12 February, 2007

Forcing lone parents off benefit and into work

Plans emerge from welfare reform review next month

12 February, 2007

Determining when housing benefit starts and ends for those with a daily rent liability

New statutory instrument

12 February, 2007

Confidential details of thousands of retirement pension claimants sent to the wrong addresses

DWP apologises for error

12 February, 2007

Compulsory language classes for claimants who cannot speak English adequately

£4.5 million spent on Jobcentre translators could be better spent, says Minister

12 February, 2007

‘Radical’ use of private and voluntary sector providers to further welfare reform

Secretary of State praises Australian welfare system

9 February, 2007

Guaranteed minimum pension ‘offset calculation’


9 February, 2007

Working Neighbourhoods Pilots

New DWP research

9 February, 2007

Insufficient evidence to confirm crisis loans totalling over £84 million accurately awarded

National Audit office qualifies DWP's social fund accounts

9 February, 2007

Incapacity benefits reform will bring particular challenges to the capital

New London Assembly report

9 February, 2007

DWP has met more than 90% of its efficiency targets

New National Audit Office report