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Welfare rights

28 June, 2022

Welsh Government confirms basic income for care leavers pilot to launch on 1 July 2022

More than 500 people leaving care will be offered £1,600 each month for two years to support them as they make the transition to adult life

24 June, 2022

Chancellor confirms that spending on cost of living payments is outside the scope of the government’s overall cap on welfare expenditure

Written statement to Parliament advises that decision taken to exclude payments due to their 'temporary and exceptional nature'

23 June, 2022

Scottish and Welsh Governments set out opposition to UK Government plan to repeal the Human Rights Act

Ministers condemn 'shocking and unnecessary' Bill to provide for a new Bill of Rights and 'totally unsatisfactory' process that led to its introduction

23 June, 2022

Just 5 per cent of tax credits error and fraud favouring the claimant is down to fraudulent activity

New HMRC estimates for 2020/2021 show that claimant errors covering instances where there is no evidence of deliberate attempts to deceive make up remaining 95 per cent

23 June, 2022

Transfer of working age DLA claimants in Scotland to adult disability payment, and miscellaneous amendments in relation to devolved disability benefits

New statutory instrument

22 June, 2022

Bill to repeal and replace Human Rights Act receives first reading in House of Commons

New Bill of Rights will demarcate a clearer separation of powers, ensure greater respect for democratic institutions and 'restore a healthy dose of common sense to the justice system', says Lord Chancellor

22 June, 2022

Government confirms that cost of living payments will not affect entitlement to means-tested benefits or tax credits

DWP Minister adds that new payments will also not count towards the benefit cap, and that households will therefore 'retain the full value of the payments they receive'

22 June, 2022

Period of jurisdiction on appeals against decisions undertaken as part of a Legal Entitlements and Administrative Practices exercise

YA v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
[2022] UKUT 143 (AAC)

22 June, 2022

Select Committee recommends DWP undertake detailed review of how child maintenance system interacts with wider welfare and separated families policies

MPs raise issues including Department's failure to commence work to automate child maintenance deductions from universal credit and an inability to make partial deductions

21 June, 2022

High Court rules that government’s ‘no recourse to public funds’ policy continues to fail to comply with legal obligation to safeguard and promote the welfare of children

AB & Ors v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2022] EWHC 1524 (Admin)

21 June, 2022

More than 70,000 universal credit households came off the benefit cap following withdrawal of the £20 Covid-19 uplift

​​​​​​​New DWP figures show that almost twice as many households flowed off the cap in November 2021 compared to the three-month periods before and after the uplift was withdrawn

21 June, 2022

Tribunal Procedure Committee consults on making online system for filing documents mandatory for certain parties to Upper Tribunal proceedings

Views sought on whether use of CE-File should be compulsory and, if so, which types of Upper Tribunal user should be subject to mandation

21 June, 2022

Number of council tax reduction recipients in Scotland down by seven per cent in March 2022 compared to previous year

New Scottish Government statistics show gradual decline in caseload since peak during Covid-19 pandemic

17 June, 2022

Government says that it knows most claimants will not be in a position to take advantage of its new ‘benefits to bricks’ policy

However, DWP Minister also contends that allowing housing benefits to be used towards the cost of a mortgage 'removes a barrier that currently prevents thousands of families from buying their own home'

17 June, 2022

Contract awarded to Atos to deliver national IT services supporting PIP assessment providers as part of DWP’s new Functional Assessment Service

Seven-year contract includes requirement to support completion of all types of PIP assessments, and may be modified by agreement to support work capability assessments

17 June, 2022

Payments to local authorities for the Verify Earnings and Pension Alerts service 2022/2023

New DWP guidance

16 June, 2022

Work and Pensions Committee expresses concern that DWP’s ‘lack of transparency’ is undermining public trust

Writing to Secretary of State, Committee Chair questions why a number of the Department's own research reports, including in relation to the benefit cap, sanctions, and unpaid carers, have not been published

16 June, 2022

Lack of work incentives means that government has ‘real, evidence-based concerns’ about universal basic income

Work and Pensions Minister says that government also has fundamental concerns about what it might mean for targeting those in greatest need

15 June, 2022

Government confirms that first instalment of £650 cost of living payment is to be issued from 14 July 2022

As Social Security (Additional Payments) Bill receives first reading, DWP outlines that a payment of £326 will be followed by a second instalment of £324 in Autumn 2022 for those on low-income benefits, with payments being made later to those on tax credits