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Welfare rights

14 January, 2010

Treasury Select Committee warns of 'perverse consequence' of measuring relative child poverty in a period of recession

More clarity needed as to the extent to which reductions in poverty are a result of lower average incomes

14 January, 2010

Absence from home / prisoner being treated for health problems


13 January, 2010

Discretionary housing payments expenditure limits and government contribution for 2010/2011

New DWP guidance

12 January, 2010

Urgent action needed to resolve child benefit delays

Situation having a negative impact on children's lives, says Citizens Advice

12 January, 2010

Prescription charges reduced in Scotland

New statutory instrument

11 January, 2010

Incapacity benefit claimants to be migrated to employment and support allowance from October 2010

Social Security Advisory Committee launches consultation on draft regulations

8 January, 2010

Identifying housing benefit fraud through the use of data held by Credit Reference Agencies

Pilot exercise to be rolled out nationally in Spring 2010, DWP confirms

7 January, 2010

Tribunals Service proposes ending practice of reimbursing travel costs on day of the hearing

Consultation launched on whether change will deter appellants from exercising their rights

6 January, 2010

Length of sanction following breaches of jobseeker’s directions


6 January, 2010

Benefit uprating 2010/2011

DWP issues new HB guidance

5 January, 2010

War pensions disregards for housing benefit and council tax benefit

New DWP guidance

5 January, 2010

Student grant and loan rates for housing benefit and council tax benefit purposes

New DWP guidance

5 January, 2010

Pathways to Work programme ‘less effective’ than first thought

DWP launches review to urgently explore options for reform

5 January, 2010

Miscellaneous amendments to housing benefit and council tax benefit

New DWP guidance

4 January, 2010

‘Old’ regulation 27 of incapacity for work regulations / part time working


4 January, 2010

War pensions disregards for housing benefit and council tax benefit

New statutory instrument

4 January, 2010

Making local housing allowance payments direct to claimant’s landlord

DWP issues new guidance following concerns about how 'safeguards' are being administered