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Welfare rights

21 June, 2010

Cuts to support for low income families ‘dangerously short-termist’ says CPAG

Pre-Budget letter to George Osbourne warns of long-term social and economic costs for the UK

18 June, 2010

Special attention drawn to ESA migration regulations by Merits of Statutory Instruments Committee

Committee shares concerns raised by Social Security Advisory Committee

18 June, 2010

Government announces radical rethink on getting drug and alcohol users back to work

Focus will now be on addressing substance misuse in the wider context of other barriers to employment, says Minister for Disabled People

17 June, 2010

Application of the national insurance number requirement

New HB Guidance

17 June, 2010

Government cancels four welfare to work projects totalling more than £1billion

Cuts to projects that 'do not represent good value for money' announced by Chief Secretary to the Treasury

17 June, 2010

‘Not right’ that nine out of ten families with children eligible for tax credits

Cash going to people 'who don't really need it', says Deputy Prime Minister.

16 June, 2010

Claimants should have direct access to an independent review says Social Fund Commissioner

Response to government Green Paper on social fund reforms stresses importance of independent grievance process

16 June, 2010

Unemployment figure continues to rise whilst number claiming jobseeker's allowance falls

Office for National Statistics figures highlight need for new Work Programme says Minister for Employment

16 June, 2010

Awarding retirement pension without requiring a claim

DWP response to consultation on draft regulations

15 June, 2010

Help with health costs and travel expenses in Northern Ireland

New regulations increase the income and capital limits for people in residential care homes

15 June, 2010

Changes in the registration of social housing in England

New HB guidance

11 June, 2010

Social security is 'principally a national competence rather than an EU competence' says Minister for Employment

Ministerial Statement on the EU Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council

11 June, 2010

Labour MP, Anne Begg, elected as Chair of Work and Pensions Select Committee

Parliament announces result of election held on 9 June 2010

11 June, 2010

New Work Programme to be in place nationally by Summer 2011

Government 'determined to move quickly' according to Ministerial Statement

11 June, 2010

Radical reform of child benefit being considered by Frank Field

Chair of review on poverty and life chances looking at ending payments when child reaches age 13 or 14

10 June, 2010

Payment of employment and support allowance where an appeal has been made in Northern Ireland

New Statutory Rule

10 June, 2010

Co-ordination of social security provision within the EU under EC Regulation 883/2004

New DWP Guidance

9 June, 2010

Government confirms cuts to social security and tax credit budgets

Treasury publishes Spending Review Framework