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Welfare rights

26 August, 2010

Fair hearing / paper hearing listed before end of 14 days allowed on pre-listing Enquiry Form


26 August, 2010

Bereavement benefit / whether marriage to deceased was valid


25 August, 2010

Whether days in respect of which claimant not entitled to claim incapacity benefit can be part of a period of incapacity for work


25 August, 2010

Families and poorest hardest hit by coalition cuts

New Institute for Fiscal Studies research commissioned by the End Child Poverty campaign

25 August, 2010

Impact of work-focused services in children’s centre pilot

New DWP research report

23 August, 2010

DWP encourages local authorities to increase take-up of housing and council tax benefit

New HB guidance

20 August, 2010

Government proposes benefit sanctions for drug and alcohol users who refuse treatment

Home Office consultation ahead of drug strategy to be published later this year

20 August, 2010

Self employed earners and periods without work

New DWP guidance following reported Upper Tribunal decision

20 August, 2010

CPAG 'deeply concerned' that government announcement on social mobility fails to mention child poverty targets

Response to speech by Deputy Prime Minister

20 August, 2010

Staff perceptions of Jobcentre Plus ‘downturn measures’

New DWP research report

19 August, 2010

Welfare Reform Act (Northern Ireland) 2010 receives Royal Assent

Provisions designed to move towards greater flexibility and personalisation of benefit conditonality

19 August, 2010

Local housing allowance changes will have serious and negative impact on some of poorest and most vulnerable households

Shelter calls on councillors to submit evidence to Select Committee Inquiry and SSAC consultation on new rules

18 August, 2010

Ability to use keyboard with one hand / use of broad approach in assessing descriptors following House of Lords decision in 'Moyna'


18 August, 2010

Adequacy of tribunal reasons in relation to descriptor claimed in IB50 and previous favourable medical assessment


18 August, 2010

Right to reside / self sufficiency and health insurance


18 August, 2010

Treasury reported to be reviewing universal benefits for ‘middle classes’

However, Deputy Prime Minister says no decisions have yet been made

18 August, 2010

Chancellor says that the government is committed to welfare reform

Response to reported dispute with Secretary of State over cost of reform proposals