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Welfare rights

14 May, 2012

Iain Duncan Smith defends plan to take 500,000 claimants off disability benefits

Cost of disability living allowance rising well ahead of illness, sickness and disability, says Secretary of State

11 May, 2012

DWP letters to lone parent claimants with child approaching seven years being sent in error

New HB guidance

11 May, 2012

Claimants’ views on personal independence payment application process

New DWP research highlights claimants' expectations that they will not be treated well

10 May, 2012

Second Welfare Reform Act 2012 commencement order

New statutory instrument brings into force provisions relating to claimant commitment, sanctions and civil penalties

10 May, 2012

519,000 claimants accepted on to Work Programme from June 2011 to January 2012

New DWP statistics also show that 90.7 per cent were on jobseeker's allowance and 8.5 per cent on employment and support allowance

9 May, 2012

Right to reside of parents and primary carers of children in education

New DWP guidance revises earlier advice to decision makers

9 May, 2012

New Pensions Bill introduced in Queen’s Speech

Bill will create 'a fair, simple and sustainable foundation for private saving', says government

9 May, 2012

DWP letters to people affected by next year’s benefit cap ‘going to the wrong people’

Report that letters sent to exempt households, including those with disabled children, and to those with benefit income less than level of cap

8 May, 2012

Increased financial penalty for benefit fraud of up to £2,000 in force from today

'We are getting tougher and no one will escape justice with a mere slap on the wrists', say Lord Freud

8 May, 2012

Excessive travel time and ‘good cause’ for failure to comply with jobseeking requirement

New DWP guidance

4 May, 2012

Disability living allowance reform to cost £710m but reduce benefit expenditure by £2.24bn

New DWP impact assessment on introduction of personal independence payment

4 May, 2012

SSAC publishes response to DWP consultation on PIP assessment thresholds

Committee's suggestions include that estimated 500,000 people who will lose benefit when DLA ends should receive transitional protection

3 May, 2012

Cuts in support for borrowers 'will put upward pressure on mortgage arrears and possession', says Council for Mortgage Lenders

New annual report also says that payment of housing benefit direct to tenants will not encourage lending to social housing sector

3 May, 2012

Work Choice excluded from Youth Contract employment subsidies

'Major oversight' not to include young disabled jobseekers, says Employment Related Services Association

2 May, 2012

Increase in tax credit working hours requirement to affect more than 200,000 families, according to HMRC

New figures prove that families have not been able to find extra work required to avoid cut, says shopworker's union.

1 May, 2012

Legal Aid Bill receives Royal Assent

New legislation likely to leave hundreds of thousands of people without access to legal aid from April 2013

1 May, 2012

Changes to contributory ESA will leave hundreds of thousands of disabled people facing poverty and exclusion

Disability Rights UK warns that new rules are unlikely to incentivise work and will penalise those who have worked

1 May, 2012

Excessive travel time and ‘good cause’ for failure to comply with jobseeking requirement

New regulations issued in Northern Ireland

30 April, 2012

Government responds to figures that ‘underline the long-term failure’ of the child support system

We are now taking tougher action against those who have refused to pay, says Work and Pensions Minister