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News and case law

Daily news and case law updates across five areas of social welfare law: welfare benefits, debt, housing, employment and community care. Subscribe for updates.

6 November, 2023

Homelessness support organisations respond to Home Secretary’s plans to criminalise the use of tents by people sleeping rough

More Housing news

6 November, 2023

Gender pay gap is higher in all English regions than in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland

More Employment news

6 November, 2023

People seeking asylum would have the right to work in an independent Scotland

More Employment news

6 November, 2023

Scottish Government seeks views on proposed new £2,000 social security payment to support young people leaving care

More Welfare rights news

6 November, 2023

Senedd Committee calls for Welsh Government to ‘follow the evidence’ on tackling child poverty by prioritising policies that make the maximum contribution

More Welfare rights news

3 November, 2023

DWP confirms automatic extension for universal credit migration notices with a deadline date falling within the Christmas 2023 period

More Welfare rights news

3 November, 2023

Chancellor and Work and Pensions Secretary warned that simply ramping up conditionality and sanctions for those receiving incapacity benefits will create more barriers to work, not less

More Welfare rights news

3 November, 2023

Holyrood Committee launches inquiry into the Scottish direct payments system for community care services

More Community care news

2 November, 2023

Supreme Court rules that administrator of an insolvent company is not an officer of that company and so is not bound by Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992

More Employment case law

2 November, 2023

Court of Session dismisses residential landlord representatives’ challenge to legality of emergency cost of living tenant protection measures introduced by Scottish Government

More Housing case law

2 November, 2023

Body representing HMO licensing enforcement authorities backs legal challenge to plans to exempt asylum seeker accommodation in England from HMO requirements

More Housing news

2 November, 2023

Ensuring that residence test for housing benefit entitlement is met for certain persons arriving from Israel, the Occupied Palestinian Territories or Lebanon

More Welfare rights news

2 November, 2023

Ombudsman recommends that council recalculates care home resident’s financial assessment after incorrectly applying notional capital rules

More Community care news

2 November, 2023

Round-up of recent Upper Tribunal housing case law

More Housing case law

2 November, 2023

Round-up of recent decisions of the Housing Ombudsman

More Housing news

1 November, 2023

Ensuring that residence tests for benefit entitlement are met for certain persons arriving from Israel, the Occupied Palestinian Territories or Lebanon

More Welfare rights news

1 November, 2023

Citizens Advice expresses serious concern that government’s proposed changes to WCA would do more harm than good

More Welfare rights news