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News and case law

Daily news and case law updates across five areas of social welfare law: welfare benefits, debt, housing, employment and community care. Subscribe for updates.

3 September, 2019

Scottish Goverment confirms introduction of Scottish Child Payment to be brought forward to Christmas 2020

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3 September, 2019

Scottish Government proposes use of CPI inflation measure to uprate devolved social security assistance

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3 September, 2019

Ending freeze on LHA rates and increasing investment would generate more than £2 billion net benefits in three years

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3 September, 2019

Parliamentary focus on Brexit has contributed to a significant decline in the number of draft social security regulations being presented to SSAC for scrutiny

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2 September, 2019

Almost half of benefit claimants are going without essentials, causing loss of sleep and mental health problems, says Citizens Advice

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2 September, 2019

Government commits to uprating UK state pension for claimants living in EU for three years in the event of a no deal Brexit

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2 September, 2019

One in three requests for flexible working is being turned down, according to new TUC research

More Employment news

2 September, 2019

DWP launches new ‘Find a Job’ flexible work search as part of campaign to support parents into work

More Welfare rights news

2 September, 2019

Tax credits claimants have low awareness of dispute resolution processes and get inconsistent level of support when accessing helpline

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2 September, 2019

Employment case law round up

More Employment case law

2 September, 2019

Reluctance to change habits and negative expectations act as a barrier to tax credit customers using online channel to renew claims

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30 August, 2019

Self-employed EU national did not need to be earning enough to pay national insurance contributions to be ‘gainfully employed’

More Welfare rights case law

30 August, 2019

Tax credit claimants who were late in reporting a partner were either unaware of rules on joint claims or waited until they felt change was permanent

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30 August, 2019

Changes to the tax credits ‘High Risk Renewals’ process has positively impacted on claimants

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29 August, 2019

Design of universal credit combined with inadequate LHA rates is pushing families into hardship, rent arrears and homelessness

More Welfare rights news

29 August, 2019

DWP issues new guidance on the universal credit managed migration pilot

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29 August, 2019

Half of those helped into work via the Steps 2 Success programme in Northern Ireland sustained the employment for 12 months

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