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News and case law

Daily news and case law updates across five areas of social welfare law: welfare benefits, debt, housing, employment and community care. Subscribe for updates.

30 September, 2020 Open access

DWP testing ‘transformed’ approach to training of new work coaches that replaces the current 52-day programme with 25 days of learning

More Welfare rights news

30 September, 2020

DWP issues guidance on Upper Tribunal decision that ESA claimant had not failed to attend medical examination where appointment letter did not impose legal obligation to attend

More Welfare rights news

30 September, 2020

Scottish Government confirms new process for helping third-party representatives with enquiries where claimant unable to give explicit consent

More Welfare rights news

30 September, 2020

Need for supervision where a person has to remove their hearing aids or cochlear implants while washing and consequently cannot hear a typical alarm

More Welfare rights case law

30 September, 2020

Bill to support delivery of new Scottish Child Payment unanimously passed by Scottish Parliament

More Welfare rights news

30 September, 2020 Open access

Chancellor urged to make £20 uplift to universal credit and working tax credit permanent and extend increase to legacy benefits

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29 September, 2020 Open access

Reform of support for mortgage interest loan scheme should include abolition of waiting period and an initial three-month grant, says Centre for Policy Studies

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29 September, 2020 Open access

Introduction of pre-action requirements that apply to private sector landlords in Scotland for possession proceedings during COVID-19 pandemic

More Housing news

29 September, 2020

Work and Pensions Secretary accepts recommendation to create a single new digital function within the DWP

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29 September, 2020 Open access

President of the Employment Tribunals ‘deeply troubled‘ by challenge that continued increase in outstanding tribunal caseload poses to delivering justice in a reasonable time

More Employment news

29 September, 2020

Northern Ireland Assembly agrees to extend provisions of Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill to Northern Ireland

More Welfare rights news

29 September, 2020

‘Flawed design choices’ in universal credit are depriving people of essential social security support

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29 September, 2020 Open access

Employment Tribunal receipts increase by almost 20 per cent in three months to June 2020 compared to same period last year

More Employment news

29 September, 2020

Changes to operation of Right to Rent scheme from November 2020

More Housing news

29 September, 2020

Single parents with pre-school aged children are being ‘shoe-horned’ into job-seeking regime that does not reflect their needs

More Welfare rights news

28 September, 2020 Open access

Local authorities in England to have discretion to award self-isolation payments to those who do not receive qualifying benefits

More Welfare rights news

28 September, 2020

Liberal Democrat Party votes to campaign for a universal basic income for all long-term UK residents

More Welfare rights news