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News and case law

Daily news and case law updates across five areas of social welfare law: welfare benefits, debt, housing, employment and community care. Subscribe for updates.

19 April, 2023

DWP issues guidance on changes to benefit cap annual limits from April 2023

More Welfare rights news

19 April, 2023

Devolution of the design and delivery of employment support provision included in ‘Trailblazer’ deals with Greater Manchester and West Midlands Combined Authorities

More Welfare rights news

19 April, 2023

More than 90 charities call on political party leaders to increase universal credit standard allowances to a level sufficient to cover essential living costs

More Welfare rights news

19 April, 2023

GLA analysis finds that landlords in England are collecting £1.6 billion a year in housing benefit for ‘non-decent’ private rented homes

More Welfare rights news

19 April, 2023

One in six children in England are being forced to live in cramped, overcrowded accommodation because of a lack of suitable and affordable homes

More Housing news

18 April, 2023

Government must introduce mandatory ethnicity pay gap reporting ‘without delay’, says TUC

More Employment news

18 April, 2023

Energy suppliers sign up to tougher Ofgem oversight and new Code of Practice on involuntary prepayment installations

More Debt news

17 April, 2023

More than 40 per cent of PIP claimants who successfully appeal a nil award decision after mandatory reconsideration receive an enhanced component at tribunal

More Welfare rights news

17 April, 2023

Minister provides information on numbers receiving ESA on the basis of ‘substantial risk’, but says that same information for universal credit is ‘not readily available’

More Welfare rights news

17 April, 2023

In-work progression policy will have no direct impact on any group with protected characteristics, says DWP

More Welfare rights news

17 April, 2023

DWP confirms that cost of living payments can be made to claimants who are in receipt of a hardship payment during the qualifying period

More Welfare rights news

17 April, 2023

Uprating of housing cost contributions, work allowances and transitional SDP element in universal credit

More Welfare rights news

17 April, 2023

Scottish Government and COSLA launch consultation on increasing council tax charges on second and empty homes

More Housing news

17 April, 2023

Cross-party group of Stormont MLAs make joint call for new government strategy for unpaid carers

More Community care news

14 April, 2023

Waiting years to implement changes to benefit health assessments ‘won’t cut it’ when quicker wins are available, say MPs

More Welfare rights news

14 April, 2023

High Court dismisses former Grenfell Tower resident’s challenge to the legality of the allocation policies adopted following the 2017 fire as they relate to separated families

More Housing case law

14 April, 2023

Money and Pensions Service makes changes to debt advice grants for 2023/2024 in response to increased complexity of client cases

More Debt news