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26 February, 2021

Government announces more than £6 million in funding for the voluntary sector to provide accommodation and services for rough sleepers

Housing Secretary confirms that funding will be used to provide rough sleepers with Covid-secure night shelter accommodation and to support organisations including Homeless Link and Shelter

25 February, 2021 Open access

Annual ‘snapshot’ count of rough sleepers in England during autumn 2020 Covid lockdown shows 37 per cent fall on numbers in previous year

However, even accounting for the provision of accommodation under the ‘Everyone In’ scheme, more than 2,600 people were estimated to be rough sleeping in the count

25 February, 2021 Open access

Measures to protect private tenants in Northern Ireland from eviction extended to 30 September 2021

New statutory rule extends period during which landlords are required to give 12 weeks' notice to quit that was due to expire on 31 March 2021

24 February, 2021

Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill approved by Welsh Senedd

Bill to introduce changes including minimum twelve month contracts for renters and increase in notice period for 'no fault evictions'

24 February, 2021

Housing Ombudsman orders Woking Council to pay tenant £6,000 compensation after leaving her without gas supply for three years

New decision finds severe maladministration in council’s lack of action and its failure to have due regard to its obligations towards a potentially vulnerable tenant

22 February, 2021

22 February, 2021

MHCLG to establish second headquarters in Wolverhampton

Senior civil servants to be based in the city making it a centre for policy development and decision making, says government

22 February, 2021

Cross-party coalition of MPs calls for evidence from people with lived experience of using Housing First services

All-Party Parliamentary Group seeks evidence on what led to people becoming homeless and how using Housing First services made them feel

22 February, 2021

Deaths of homeless people increased by more than a third in 2020

New research findings also show that, despite the apparent success of Everyone In, many local authorities have since been unable to organise suitable longer-term accommodation or support

19 February, 2021 Open access

19 February, 2021 Open access

Northern Ireland Executive announces that legislation protecting private renters from eviction is to be extended to 30 September 2021

Emergency legislation to be extended from 31 March 2021 in light of current public health situation, says Communities Minister

19 February, 2021

Scottish Government withdraws draft legislation on short-term lets licensing scheme

Housing Minister confirms that legislation, which has been withdrawn due to concerns about its application, is to be re-laid alongside new draft guidance in June 2021

19 February, 2021

Centre for Social Justice calls on government to ‘dramatically increase’ number of Housing First places in England

New report highlights programme's success in improving quality of life for individuals with complex needs, and cost-effectiveness to taxpayer in reduced spending on other public servces

18 February, 2021 Open access

Chancellor needs to act now to avoid renters being scarred by debts they have no hope of clearing

Organisations working in the private rented sector warn of rent debt crisis with at least half a million tenants in arrears due to the economic impact of Covid-19

16 February, 2021 Open access

Resolution Foundation calls on government to follow Scotland and Wales in establishing a tenant loan scheme to support renters in England who have fallen into arrears during pandemic

Think tank highlights that private renters have been particularly hard hit, and recommends that landlords must be required to take 'robust action' to negotiate a payment plan before taking tenants to court

15 February, 2021 Open access

Ban on bailiff evictions in England to be extended for 6 weeks to 31 March 2021

Exemptions remain in place for the 'most serious circumstances', with measures being kept under review in line with the latest public health advice

15 February, 2021

MHCLG confirms allocation of £125 million to councils in England to support victims of domestic abuse

Funding will ‘help victims and their children access support such as therapy, advocacy and counselling in safe accommodation’

12 February, 2021 Open access

12 February, 2021

Welsh Senedd passes amendment to Renting Homes Fees Act to correct legislative error leading to social landlords being unable to apply service charges for certain types of tenancy

Amendment adds service charges levied by a community landlord or supported accommodation provider to permitted payments under Schedule 1 to Act