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12 July, 2013

Paratus Amc Ltd v Fosuhene

[2013] EWCA Civ 827

11 July, 2013

Social landlords unable to rehouse tenants hit by bedroom tax

A Chartered Institute of Housing and Circle Housing Group survey finds two-thirds of landlords are unable to help more than 20 per cent of affected tenants to downsize.

11 July, 2013

10 July, 2013

London boroughs placing homeless applicants outside London without informing receiving council

Guardian investigation finds vulnerable households are falling 'off the radar' of public services.

8 July, 2013

Bedroom tax already leading to sharp rises in rent arrears

COSLA survey of all local authorities in Scotland also finds significant increase in requests for discretionary housing payments.

8 July, 2013

Housing Law Update

Issue 315 of Garden Court Chambers' Housing Law Bulletin is now available.

5 July, 2013

Houses in Multiple Occupation (Specified Educational Establishments) (England) Regulations 2013

In force from 1 August 2013, new regulations specify the educational establishments whose student accommodation is excluded from the definition of a HMO (and thus from the scope of the licensing regime) - this revokes the Houses in Multiple Occupation (Specified Educational Establishments) (England) Regulations 2012

5 July, 2013

Demographic, socio-economic, and financial characteristics of private landlords

New research from the Strategic Society Centre, which also publishes a discussion paper considering the policy implications of its research for public policy on pensions, housing, public spending and social mobility.

4 July, 2013

4 July, 2013

Home Office consults on requirement for private landlords to check tenants’ immigration status

New consultation seeks views on 'light touch and proportionate checks' and penalty of up to £3,000 for those who don't comply.

4 July, 2013

Deputy First Minister announces end of Right to Buy in Scotland

Forthcoming Housing Bill will abolish the Right to Buy, although existing tenants will have three years to exercise the right.

3 July, 2013

First reading of Bill to establish mandatory licensing scheme for private letting agents

Former Labour Housing Minister has introduced a Private Member's Bill which if passed will establish a scheme, to be administered and enforced by local authorities, that will require tenants and landlords to have written agreements, and will empower local authorities to trade as letting and managing agents.

3 July, 2013

Over 65s need more information to aid independent living

Age UK survey finds 20 per cent of over 65s cited a lack of available information on independence aids for the home, highlighting a lack of access and understanding of services in their local area.

2 July, 2013

Seven social housing providers join in investigation into impact of welfare reforms on tenants

Each landlord to work intensively with around ten households for at least 18 months, according to 24dash.com.

2 July, 2013

Number of families renting their home double that of ten years ago

Commenting on Office for National Statistice Census figures, Shelter warns that, unless government builds more affordable homes, more families will join 'generation rent'.

2 July, 2013

Planning and Travellers guidance

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government announced in parliament that the government is cancelling the practice guidance, 'Diversity and Equality in Planning', and it will not be replaced.

2 July, 2013

‘Building an effective safety net for home owners and the housing market’

Joseph Rowntree Foundation report sets out options for reform, including a 'Sustainable Home Ownership Partnership', a fund to which borrowers, lenders and government would contribute, coupled with longer-term benefit payments being made a charge on the property.

1 July, 2013

Housing Law Update

Issue 314 of Garden Court Chambers' Housing Law Bulletin is now available.

28 June, 2013

Mobile Homes Act 1983 (Amendment of Schedule 1) (Scotland) Order 2013

New regulations issued, designed to to prevent residents being exploited by unscrupulous site owners while ensuring business viability of privately owned sites is maintained.