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20 November, 2019

Employment commitments in the Liberal Democrat Party 2019 election manifesto

Party promises to modernise employment rights to make them ‘fit for the age of the gig economy’

19 November, 2019

Employment commitments in the Green Party 2019 election manifesto

Party promises to close the gender pay gap and increase Living Wage to £12 per hour

8 November, 2019

Welsh Government consults on proposals to ensure workers are treated and rewarded fairly in the workplace

Social Partnership Bill would place duty on public bodies to promote fair work and involve trade unions in delivery of policies to promote best working practices

4 November, 2019

More ambitious National Living Wage increases recommended in independent report for government

Review of evidence on minimum wage policies concludes that increases could reach up to two thirds of median wage rate

4 November, 2019

Disability pay gap increases to 15.5 per cent, equating to more than £3,000 less a year for disabled workers

TUC research also finds that disabled women continue to face the most significant pay gaps of all

30 October, 2019

Effect of abolition of employment tribunal fees is having ‘inevitable impact’ on tribunal performance

However, Employment Tribunal President also highlights there have been few historic or legacy claims brought out of time in reliance on argument claimant was deterred or affected by fees

29 October, 2019

Government must act urgently to tackle use of NDAs in covering up cases of discrimination and harassment at work

Select Committee highlights that, while government has agreed to consider a number of its proposals, no timetable has been set

18 October, 2019

Acas launches new guidance to help employers manage impact of menopause at work

Recommendations include implementing a menopause policy and providing awareness training for managers

17 October, 2019

Equality and Human Rights Commission ‘calls time’ on unlawful confidentiality agreements

New guidance for employers sets out good practice for the use of NDAs, and when they would be unlawful

14 October, 2019

Queen’s Speech introduces new Bill to create a legal obligation for employers to pass on tips to workers in full

Government also commits to continuing reforms set out in Good Work Plan including increasing fairness between workers and employers in the flexible labour market

30 September, 2019

Chancellor announces ‘target’ of raising National Living Wage to £10.50 per hour

In addition, Sajid Javid outlines plan to reduce age threshold so all workers over the age of 21 are covered

24 September, 2019

Labour Party commits to reducing working week to average of 32 hours with no loss of pay

Shadow Chancellor tells Party Conference that change will be introduced within a decade through a new Working Time Commission and ending the 'opt out' from the EU Working Time Directive

16 September, 2019

One in twenty workers do not receive holiday pay, while one in ten are not given a payslip

Resolution Foundation finds that gig economy workers, young people and those working in hospitality industries have enhanced risks of labour market violations

12 September, 2019

Inability to negotiate flexible working is common trigger for carers exiting employment

Review of research into caregiving and employment also finds Care Act carer assessments often fail to discuss impact of caring on work

12 September, 2019

Employment Tribunal claims increase by 14 per cent compared to same period in previous year

Ministry of Justice says increase is most likely due to continued effect of abolition of fees in July 2017

10 September, 2019

Labour Party announces plans to create new Ministry for Employment Rights and a Workers’ Protection Agency

A Labour government would introduce 'the biggest extension of rights for workers that our country has ever seen', says Jeremy Corbyn

2 September, 2019

One in three requests for flexible working is being turned down, according to new TUC research

Flexible working should be a day one right that’s available to everyone, says TUC General Secretary

13 August, 2019

Almost half of self-employed adults aged 25 and over are earning less than the minimum wage

New TUC analysis also shows that women fare particularly badly, with 52 per cent earning less than the minimum hourly rate

29 July, 2019

3.7 million workers in the UK are in insecure work

TUC says government's Good Work Plan is inadequate, and calls for a significant shift in workplace rights