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10 August, 2023

Stakeholders provide mixed feedback on how well the No One Left Behind initiative in Scotland has been implemented locally

Scottish Government publishes evaluation of work to deliver more effective integration and alignment of employment support and related services

8 August, 2023

Government to introduce ‘significantly tougher’ penalties for employers and landlords who allow illegal migrants to work for them or rent their properties

Civil penalties to increase to up to £60,000 per worker for employers and up to £10,000 per tenant for landlords from early 2024

4 August, 2023

Public Services Committee launches call for evidence on transition from education to employment for young disabled people

Views sought on issues including adequacy of government support for businesses employing disabled people and how effectively disabled people's rights are upheld in the workplace

2 August, 2023

Acas consults on updates to Code of Practice on handling requests for flexible working

Views sought on draft changes made in response to measures introduced by Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act

31 July, 2023

26 July, 2023

DWP testing new ‘Access to Work Plus’ scheme for people with high in-work support needs

Department advises that referrals can be made online for new shceme once an Access to Work application has been submitted

21 July, 2023

Workers to get more flexibility over where and when they work as Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Bill receives Royal Assent

New Act includes provision so that requests for flexible working can be made from day one and up to two requests can be made in a year

21 July, 2023

Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act will help give the public access to the essential services they need, says government

Following Royal Assent, Business Minister says new legislation is an appropriate balance between the ability to strike and protecting lives and livelihoods

20 July, 2023

Business Committee Chair calls for government to ‘get a grip’ and get serious about enforcing workers’ rights

Comments follow government's failure to agree to Committee's recommendations to increase funding for labour market enforcement and reconsider introducing an Employment Bill in the upcoming King's Speech

17 July, 2023

Peers accept government amendment to Worker Protection Bill, that removes protections against third party harassment at work, in order to help the Bill move forward

Equality and Human Rights Commission urges government to reconsider and provide employers with the necessary clarity to ensure their workers are protected

13 July, 2023

While Kickstart scheme often helped those with relatively good employability find work, those who faced more challenges struggled to find a suitable job

Evaluation of the scheme also reports that there were many 'teething issues' with jobcentre staff, employers and gateways particularly reporting problems around trying to get responses from the DWP about how to run the scheme

13 July, 2023

Government says that it has no plans to introduce mandatory ethnicity pay reporting

In consultation response published almost five years after call for views launched, government advises that it has instead produced guidance for employers on how to report voluntarily

13 July, 2023

Bill making provision in relation to workplace bullying receives first reading in House of Commons

Private Members' Bill includes provision to enable claims relating to bullying at work to be considered by an employment tribunal

11 July, 2023

Government launches new Health Adjustments Passport for disabled veterans

DWP and MoD say document will provide a transferable record of any workplace adjustments needed making it easier to transition into employment, progress within a workplace and move between jobs without the need for reassessment

10 July, 2023

Employment Tribunals President issues updated guidance on alternative dispute resolution and judicial mediation

New guidance includes protocols on approaches to encourage pre-hearing agreements by 'judicial assessment' and 'dispute resolution appointments' in addition to judicial mediation

3 July, 2023

Government announces plans to allow paternity leave to be taken up to a year after the birth of a child

Written statement to parliament also confirms proposal to allow fathers or partners to split their leave into two blocks of one week

19 June, 2023

International Labour Organisation’s intervention about provisions in the Strikes Bill is ‘hugely embarrassing’ for UK Ministers, says TUC

Union body highlights that UN labour watchdog's instruction to Ministers to 'seek technical assistance' from its staff does not support Ministers' repeated claims that the new measures have its full backing

26 May, 2023

Carer’s Leave Bill receives Royal Assent

New Act provides for regulations to be made giving employees unpaid leave of up to a week to manage caring responsibilities

26 May, 2023

Protection from Redundancy (Pregnancy and Family Leave) Bill receives Royal Assent

New Act provides for regulations to be made in relation to protection from redundancy during and after pregnancy and on return to work from maternity, adoption or shared parental leave